~ Chapter Thirty-Nine : Over The Moon ~

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"Doctor Collins will see you now." The receptionist called. I  cautiously put down the magazine and enter the small room. There were animated pictures of lungs and hearts, flu symptoms. It all made me uneasy. I clutched my shirt in my fisted hand, my breathing shaky as I released it. I hate the doctors. The door opened and a snap of a clipboard announced itself to the room. I jumped and looked at the man, Doctor Collins. He smiled warmly at me, "Sorry, Miss (L/N). I didn't mean to scare you." I reflected, standing up to shake his hand, "You're fine." He gestured to the patient bed as he sat in his swivel chair. "How have you been feeling?" He asked as he looked down at his clipboard. I sighed and rested my hands in my lap, "I've been kinda nauseous throughout the day, for a couple of days actually. I kinda get like...feverish sometimes. Like my skin will heat up, but I'll feel fine. And the other day, the thought of eating greasy food made me gag." He looked up and me, concern in his grey eyes. He readjusted himself in his seat, "When was the last time you menstruated?" I pondered for a moment, "Not for a while, but that's because my uterus was punctured during my last pregnancy, which was years ago. My periods have always been all over the place since then. It's been...six months since my last one." Dr. Collins stood up and grabbed a cup from his cabinet, "Will you please urinate in this? It can help clear up some of the illnesses I think it could be." "You think I'm pregnant?" I laughed, "I can't get pregnant."

"Congratulations." Doctor Collins announced, "You're pregnant." My mouth fell open in surprise, "I-I'm what?" He smiled and handed me the documents, "It says right there." I scanned over and over the pages, this can't be happening. "How?!" I panicked. "Your uterus recovered from that accident. Of course, it still will be hard for you to conceive. But it is possible." "How far along am I?" I muttered quietly. "Around three weeks. You can make an appointment in the prenatal clinic next week, and we can listen to the baby's heart beat." Doctor Collins smiled gently and rubbed my shoulder, "Are you okay, Miss (L/N)?" I gulped and nodded slowly, "This is just a huge surprise. I thought I couldn't get pregnant, but this...changed everything."

"Chase!" I called, swinging my bag onto the table, "I'm home!" Instead of Chase coming to great me, there was Olivia, and trailing behind her was Avery. I petted the puppy's fur, smiling up at Olivia, "How was your day, sweetheart?" "It was good! Dad showed me something, but I can't tell you, it's surprise!" "I have a surprise too." I giggled. Her smile widened, "What is it?" "You can't tell anyone." I whispered, "But I'm having a baby." Her blue eyes automatically lit up in joy, her laugh echoing through the house. She jumped for joy as she whispered, "A baby?! Is it a boy or a girl?!" I giggled and shushed her, " I don't know yet, but don't tell Dad. I want to surprise him too." "What are you two giggling about?" Chase smiled. Olivia grabbed Avery and headed out to the back yard, whispering to the puppy as she left. Chase wrapped his arms around my waist, "I'm so glad you're home." I smiled at him too, kissing his soft lips. He slowly pulled away, "Are you okay? Something seems different about you..." "I don't know." I innocently shrugged, "Just glad to be home, with you." He chuckled and gently ran a hand through my hair, "I was thinking tonight, we should go out and eat. Just me and you." I cocked my head to the side, "No Livy?" "She's going to a friend's house tonight, so I figured it'd be a good time to be alone with each other, just to relax." Chase explained in a soft voice.

Chase set out two wine glasses along with our shared meals. It smelled amazing, and I was starving. My mouth was practically watering. Chase chuckled and rubbed my thigh, "I don't think I've ever seen you this hungry before." "I haven't really ate anything all day!" I smiled lightly. He gestured to the plate, "Dig in." We both dug into our food, sharing small conversation in between bites and giggles. He then started at my promise ring, then looking at his, "Do you know what a promise ring means?" I giggled and wiped my mouth, "Isn't it placement of an engagement ring, or something?" "I want it back." He said suddenly, holding out his empty palm. I looked at him, shocked. But he continued to smile. I shakily pulled the ring from my finger and gently placed it in his hand. "D-did I do something w-wrong?" I cried softly. Worry seemed to flash across Chase's face for a second but he still continued to smile. He dug into his pocket and held out another ring, the diamond shining bright, "Don't you think it's time for the real thing?" My heart was pounding, my hands were shaking. "What d-do you mean?" I whimpered. He chuckled and got from the couch, getting down on one knee, holding my hand with one hand and holding the ring with the other, "I love you with all my heart, and we've gone through so much. I know I'm a dork, and a toddler at some points, but through it all, you still love me...no matter what. I want to return the favor..." Tears began to build up in his eyes, "Will you marry me?" I giggled and nodded vigorously, "Yes...yes! Of course, I'll marry you!" He quickly slipped the ring on, smiling bright as ever. We looked at each other for a moment, before I tackled him, "You dumby! You made me cry-" "Woah, woah, woah! Don't make me hit my head now!" He playfully warned, then wrapping his arms around my waist. I giggled and kissed him lovingly, pulling away to look at the engagement ring, "It's beautiful." He chuckled and wiped the small tears from my face, "It doesn't even compare to your beauty." I rolled my eyes gently. Then I remembered. "I...uh...I have a surprise too, actually..." I played with the ring, spinning it around my finger. Chase's eye widened, "Oh yeah? What is it?" I opened my mouth to speak, but no words came out. Was I scared? I looked up and blinked away the sudden tears. "Love." Chase gently grabbed my chin and pulled me to look at him, "What's wrong?" I giggled quietly and rested our hands on my belly, "I'm pregnant..." His eyes slightly sparkled, looking down at my belly and lifting up the fabric, gently running his soft hand over my abdomen, "P-pregnant?" I nodded slowly, "The doctor said my uterus healed, of course, it will be a pain in the ass to conceive-" "Pregnant!" He cheered, grabbing my face to kiss me, "We're pregnant! We're having a baby!" I giggled and caressed his cheek, "Are you happy?" "Happy!" He beamed, "I'm over the moon!!"

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