~ Chapter Fifty-One : Recovery ~

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"And..how is everything with your family?" She asked. I twirled around my wedding band that rested on my finger, slightly biting my lip as I stared out the office window. "My mom has gotten better..." I began hesitantly, "She was distressed when it all went down, but over the years, she's gotten better. Chase's parents are better too. I still visit them with Gage, since they seem to be so in love with him. They always light up when they see him, it's the best thing-" "And what about you, Mrs. Brody? How have you been since the last session?" I watched as she adjusted her glasses and moved in her seat, a leg crossed over the other. I laughed in an empty tone and shrugged. I didn't know what to say, honestly. I giggled again and rested a hand on my thigh, "My husband used to be a bad alcoholic. He'd always drink when he was upset. And I never understood why...until recently." The therapist nodded slowly and removed her glasses, setting them down along with her book, "You like the way it numbs you?" I shook my head. Confused glances filled the room as she looked to me. Alcohol didn't numb me, it didn't block the memories. "-it makes it feel like he's there." I smiled warmly, "It makes it feel like Olivia and Chase are both there with me. Smiling. Happy."

"Alright, kiddo." I smiled to him as I threw my purse into the back of the silver car, "Wanna get some food?" Gage smiled and clapped his hands. I smiled back at him. You are Chase's son. I pulled the car into DRIVE and pulled out of the parking lot. "Did you talk to the lady about Daddy?" He asked. He kicked his feet back and forth since they barely touched the floor. Premature baby, I remembered. "Yes, baby, I did." I smiled, "She helps Mommy feel better sometimes." Gage smiled at me and then turned back out to the window, then clutching his "Marvel SuperHero's" t-shirt. I grinned to myself, then rolling my eyes. He's your son, Chase.

Gage ran pass me as he carried his Happy Meal. He sat at his favorite spot at the table. Olivia's spot. He knew it was her spot too. I think he was very fond of Olivia. Most of her stuff, we gave to Chases' family, but the photos. I kept the photos. Before bed, Gage would grab all the pictures and lay them out, even the ones that contained Chase. And he talk to them. Talk to them about kindergarten, or about his friends, or even me, sometimes. He loved his family. "Gage Chase Brody!" I called, "Take your shoes off when you're at the dinner table, shoes stay at the door." He playfully groaned and removed his shoes, tossing them into the laundry room. I giggled and sat next to him. Chase's seat. "Is Duncle coming over?" He asked, his cheeks filled with chicken nuggets. "Swallow first, pumpkin." I corrected. He quickly gulped down his large bite and then washed it away with his soda, then clearly his throat, "Is Duncle coming over?" I pondered for a moment. He said he was? Just as if it was magic, the front door opened, and in he walked. His hair was neat and combed back, his suit freshly pressed. I smiled at him, "Duncle Mark, I'm glad you could make it." Gage jumped from his seat and rushed into Mark's arms- Gage needed some help since he was only at knee height. "I'm sorry, Clover." Mark smiled at Gage, then to me, "The office held me a bit later than usual." After the death of Chase, Mark stopped making YouTube videos. He then returned to college in which he went to business school, and now he works in an office with a multi-billionaire. Damien, I think his name was? "Have you talked to Robin lately?" I asked. Mark sadly shook his head, and then release Gage so he could continue to eat, "He's been busy shooting for his new movie. That kid has time for no one these days." He chuckled, "How'd the session go?" "Better..." I trailed off, "It's getting better."

"Goodnight Mark." Gage waved. "Goodnight, Clover, I'll see you in the morning." Mark looked up from the stacks of paperwork so he could wave back to his nephew. And then by his hand, I tooko Gage upstairs to his bedroom. His superhero bedroom. Gage quickly changed into his PJ's and crawled into his bed, pulling the blankets up to his chin, smiling at me. "What?" I giggled. "Tell me something about Daddy." He asked quietly. I sighed and sat to the end of the bed, rubbing his leg. There was so much to say about Chase, with so little time. I brushed the hair from Gage's blue eyes and gently kissed his forehead, "Your father...was a kind and caring man. I bet he'd love to meet you." I sighed again and kissed his cheeks, "All he wanted was a son." "Well now he has one!" Gage smiled, "Can you tell him that I love him?" "Yes, baby, I'll tell Daddy."

I flopped onto the couch, my head resting on Mark's lap. We both stared to the ceiling. "When's your next business flight-" "When were you going to tell me?" Mark interrupted. I stared to him, confused. "(Y/N), I can see the bags underneath your eyes." He growled, "When were you going to tell me that you've been having nightmares again?" I thought to myself for a moment, ashamed that I let him see what was wrong with me. I'm sure the therapist knew too. "Is it Chase?" He asked quietly, "Is it with him and your dad." Tears dripped down my cheeks as I tried to close them out. To no avail. "All I c-can see is my dad repeatedly beating the love of my life, in the head. And then blood falls out of his mouth, and he's crying my name." I sobbed, "He needed me that night, Mark. And I wasn't there." Mark pulled me to his chest and held me tightly. "I'll stay here till you fall asleep, okay? I'll protect you from the nightmares."

"I just need Chase."

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