Chapter 14

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Jungkook's POV.

Why would Jackson hurt Tae? Did Tae do anything to him? I don't know but I'm gonna get to the bottom of this!

I rubbed his back "You should rest okay, Taetae. You can rest in my room if you want, okay?" He nods and lays down. "I'm going to go help Namjoon with something, okay?" He nods again and I walk out.

To be honest, we all know I wasn't going to help Namjoon. I put my coat and shoes on and walked out.

I walked down the street. It was so cold and it had actually been snowing. I admired how pretty Korea was in Winter, Spring, Summer and Autumn.

I arrived at the Got7 house. I had recently visited as they live in this city and we just moved here.

I knocked on the door was it soon opened revealing Bambam. He smiled "Annyeonghaseyo Jungkook, what do you need?" I smile "Annyeong Bambam, can I talk to Jackson please?" "Sure" Bambam shouts Jackson to come downstairs.

A few seconds later me and Jackson were in a private room talking.

Me: "Why did you hurt Taehyung?"
Jackson: "What?"
Me: "My brother, Taehyung, came into my room and fell asleep on my bed. He only does that if he's sad or hurt. He told me and showed me what YOU had done"
Jackson: "Ohh, thattt. Well he's annoying and I hate him."

Once Jackson said that my blood was boiling. I couldn't let him say such things about my brother so I punched him, and hard.

He fell down and it must of been loud because the rest of Got7 had bursted in. They all ran over to Jackson to make sure he was alright.

JB: "What the hell Jungkook?! Why did you punch him?"
Me: "He hurt Taehyung... and bad"

I took my phone out and got the photo to Tae's wound up and showed JB. His jaw dropped and eyes enlarged.

Yugyeom: "Wait did Jackson really do this?!"
Me: "Yes he did and he admitted it"
Mark: "Jackson why would you hurt Taehyung on purpose for, I thought you guys were good friends!"

Jackson didn't say anything, just sat there. Then...

Jackson: "I'm sorry for what I did okay! Now can you leave Jungkook?"

I've had enough of Jackson's crap so I left to let the rest of Got7 talk to him about it.

I got home and went to my room to see if Tae was still there. I walked up the stairs "Jungkook?" I turn around to see Jin "Yes, Jin Hyung?" "Where have you been?" I quickly come up with an excuse "I went for a walk to explore the city more" He nods and walks off.

I open my door and see a sleeping Tae. I laid down next to my brother and get under the blanket. I cuddle up to Tae and soon I was asleep.

Namjoon's POV.

I was on the sofa, half asleep, when someone shouted "Appa!" I open my eyes slightly and see my little girl, Ma Cha.

I pick her up and put her on my lap "What's wrong my little princess?" "I feel lonely... everyone's either asleep or too busy..." I hug her and kiss her forehead "It's okay Ma Cha. Sometimes everyone needs sleep or really needs to get things done" she nods and rests her head on my chest. I rub her back and soon she had fallen asleep.

I pull my phone out and scroll through Instagram looking at photos of other k-pop idols. My phone pinged suddenly, it was a text from Jin. I open it...

Jinnie- Hey did you see where Jungkook went earlier because I think he lied to me.

Namjoonie- No Ive been trying to sleep.

Jinnie- Okay, thanks anyway xx

I wonder what he's on about. What was Jungkook doing?

I got up to take Ma Cha to bed. I set her down and tucked her in, giving her a peck on the forehead. I walked out to go find Jungkook.

I found him and Tae sleeping in his room. There was definitely something wrong because Tae only ever sleeps in Jungkooks room when hurt or sad.

I decided to wait for him to wake up rather than wake him up myself.

I was about to walk out when a husky voice started talking "Hey Namjoon, what's up?" I turn to see Jungkook rubbing his eyes "Oh I wanted to ask you something but you were asleep" I smile at him.

We both went to the living room, nobody was there.
Jungkook: "So what's up?"
Namjoon: "Where did you go earlier and what's going on with Taehyung?"
Jungkook: *sighs* Jackson hurt Tae so I went to see why..."
Namjoon: "How badly is Tae hurt?!"
Jungkook: *pulls phone out and shows the pictures of Tae's wound*

I cant believe Jackson, Got7's Jackson, would do this. Tae must have been in so much pain. I wonder what happened between the two...

Taehyung's POV.

I was walking through the woods because I was bored. But as I was walking I heard footsteps and rustling so turn around to check but nothings there so I continue walking.

I had been walking for 5 minutes and heard the footsteps and rustling. I started to walk again but suddenly a knife was going down my back.

I was quick enough to turn around and see Jackson start to run. My back was hurting so much by this point so instead of chasing him I went home and straight to Jungkook's room.

Thanks for reading this chapter. Hope it was okay.

I wonder why Jackson hurt Taehyung...? Hmmmmmmm... 😏

Lots of Love Noah Mai 💖💖💖

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