Chapter 25

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~Taehyung's POV~

We got to the dance studio at around 10am. I let Yugyeom sit on his play mat and Ma Cha went with Mi Yong to do some singing.

As me and the boys were dancing I was waiting to come into the dance. I looked over at Yugyeom, he was actually walking slowly towards me with no help. I turned him and crouched down with my arms out and he soon fell into them. I picked him up and hugged him "Well done Yugyeom! You did it all by yourself!" The boys were now watching with smiles. Yoongi walked up to me "Yugyeom you're very good at walking, better than Jimin!" Jimin frowned "Hey I heard that!" Everyone giggled. I put Yugyeom back of his play mat and went back to dancing.

Suddenly the music changed from Not Today to Spring day. We looked over at the laptop with the music on and Yugyeom was sat staring at us. Jungkook and Jhope started dancing and we all joined in.

At the end Yugyeom clapped and giggled we all crowded around and crouched down in front of the laptop. Namjoon started going through songs and as he was Yugyeom pointed at one. Singularity. I stood up and went to the middle of the room. I looked over at everyone and saw Jungkook with Yugyeom in his lap. They pressed play and I started to dance.

I finished and everyone clapped I walked over to them and took Yugyeom "I'll teach you that dance when you're older Yugyeom" he smiled and put his arms around my neck. Jhope got up "Tae can I teach him to dance like I did with Mimi and Ma Cha?" I nod "Yep" Yoongi and Namjoon stood up "We will teach him to rap" Yoongi said. The rest of them stood up "We will teach Yugyeom to sing" I nod "He can be just like Appa!" I said tickling him.

~Time skip~
~3 years later~
~Mi Yong's POV~

I was now 19. Ma Cha was 7, nearly 8. Yugyeom was 4.

However there had been a new addition to the family. My little baby girl Sunmi. She is so beautiful and definitely has some of Mark's facial features.

She's only about a month old. Her cousins and uncles adore her. When I told my brothers I was pregnant they took it quite well and helped me and Mark out. I have moved into another house with my boyfriend and daughter but the boys got a mansion to live in together with Yugyeom and Ma Cha and someone else...

I sat on the sofa on my laptop and all of a sudden a pair of arms were around me "Hey Babe!" It was Mark. He had just got home from work "Hiya Mark" I look up and Mark kisses my lips. He hopped over into the sofa next to me "What you doing?" I sighed "Jin wants me to try to recover a file with photos of my family in. I think I've nearly got it" he kissed my cheek and got up "I'm gonna go have a shower then I'll make us food and a bottle for Sunmi" I nod and say okay.

I had finally recovered the file after about 10 minutes. I mentally praise myself and put my laptop away. I got up and went to see my daughter. She was led in the Moses basket peacefully sleeping. I kissed her forehead and went to the kitchen. Mark was stood at the stove making food and listening to music.

I sneak up behind him and slide my arms around him "Nice shower?" He nodded "Did you recover the file?" I smile "Yep I've just gotta send it to Jin but I'll do that later" he nods.

~Jungkook's POV~

I sat in my room and there was a knock at the door so I got up and opened it. Yugyeom stood there cuddling his teddy bear and his eyes were red which indicated that he had been crying. I picked him up "What's wrong Yugyeom?" He looked up at me "A-Appa shouted at m-me" he cried into my chest. I rubbed his back and went to go look for my brother.

I finally found his at the back of the garden. I went and sat next to Taehyung with a now sleeping Yugyeom in my arms. He looked like he had been crying aswell "Tae, what's wrong?" He looked up at me "Nothing..." I give Yugyeom to Taehyung and he immediately hugs his son. He looks up at me "I made a mistake and I took it out on Yugyeom by shouting at him and scaring him. I'm a horrible parent" I frown "Taehyung, your not a horrible parent. It's just the anger built up inside of you had to come out. Yugyeom still loves you no matter what." Yugyeom slowly opens his eyes. He looks up and sees Tae. Yugyeom immediately hugs Tae "I'm sorry Appa, I love you" Taehyung hugs him back "It's okay Yugyeom, it was my fault I shouldn't have shouted at you." Yugyeom looks at me "Uncle Kookie join in!" I hug my brother and nephew. Yugyeom kisses Taehyung's cheek then mine "I love you Appa and Kookie!" We say we love him too.

Ma Cha runs out "Yugyeom come on Uncle Hobi and Yoongi are taking us to the park!" Yugyeom looks at Tae unsure. Taehyung smiles "Go on Yugyeom but stay with Jhope, Yoongi or Ma Cha Okay?" Yugyeom smiles "Okay Appa" he kisses Tae's cheek and runs of to Ma Cha. We see them hold hands and run inside.

I rub my brothers back "Were you mad?" He looks at the grass "It's been 15 years since she died.." I look down "I'm sorry Taehyung..." he nods "It's not your fault Kookie" I smile "Remember her for the good thing okay?" He nods with a smile "Okay!" We both laugh and hug each other.

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