Chapter 29

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~Jhope's POV~

My mind roamed as I though about the past few years. A lot happened... and all so fast. Me and the boys would be going on a world tour soon. Taehyung and Teayah will be getting married soon, as with Mi Yong and Mark. In these past few years we discovered Namjoon had a daughter, Ma Cha. Taehyung found a baby on our front door and decided to take Yugyeom in as his own. Then Taehyung and Teayah has Opal and Mi Yong and Mark had Sunmi. It was crazy to think about it. It was kinda scary.

I felt a hand on my shoulder, I looked up to my left and saw Yoongi. He gave me his gummy smile and I gave him my heart smile "You okay, you looked a bit out of it" I relax a bit but still smile "Yeah, I was just thinking about... well... everything. So much has happened in these last few years and it's just gonna get better" Yoongi nodded "Yeah it is, we are all gonna find wife's and have children" I looked around at my brothers, sister, in laws, nieces and nephew "I love you all!"

~Yoongi's POV~

I love everyone in this room, even if they do annoy me a lot, I love every single one of them. I loved being able to watch my younger brothers and Mi Yong grow up and now I get to watch Ma Cha, Yugyeom, Opal and Sunmi grow up. There use to be eight of us now there's fourteen (I hope my maths was correct) of us.

I looked around and Ma Cha came running to me "Uncle Yoongi, Uncle Yoongi! Can you plat my hair please?" I smile "Of course princess, turn around and sit down" I had kinda become a pro at styling hair because of Ma Cha. I did her hair how she asked "Thank you!" She hugged me and kissed my cheek before running off to Namjoon.

Before I knew it my name was being called again "Yoongi hyung!" It was Jimin "Can you come help me, I don't know where some of the keys are on the piano" and Jimin had been learning to play the piano "Yeah, I'm coming!"

~Mi Yong's POV~

I sat with Sunmi in the garden watching the clouds. I felt a person sit next to me and lay their head on my shoulder, it was Mark "Hey, what's wrong?" He sat up with a smile "Nothing, am I not allowed to spend time with the two people I love the most?" I giggle and ruffle his hair "Why are you being all cute all of a sudden?" He took out a blindfold "Put this on and I'll tell you when to take it off, okay?" I was suspicious but did as he said.

As soon as he was ready he told me to take off the blindfold. I pulled it off to see Mark down on one knee with a small box which contained a ring. I put a hand over my mouth as he started to talk "Mi Yong, everyday I fall in love with you more and more. I want to be around you 24/7. It actually become a problem so will you, Mi Yong, be by my side for the rest of our time?" By this time I was crying from joy. I frantically nodded and hugged him, making sure not to hurt Sunmi. We shared a long, gentil kiss until we heard cheers and applauds.

Me and Mark looked up to see my whole family. They all walked over with massive smiles on their faces. Jin put his hand on my shoulder "It was hard to give Mark my blessing but I want my baby sister to be happy" Yugyeom wiped my tears "Are you going to get married to Hyung?" He asked me and I nodded "Yeah and Mark will be your Uncle" Yugyeom giggle and wondered off. I stood up as Jhope took Sunmi and kissed my forehead "Congratulations Mimi" I thank him and walk over to Mark.

I place a kiss on Marks lips and put my arms around his waist "I love you so much" he kissed my nose "I love you too Mimi" I giggle and rest my head on his chest.

~A few hours later~
~Taehyung's POV~

I was in the kitchen talking to Jin when we heard small footsteps. They were sniffing "A-Appa" I turned to see Opal. I picked her up and hugged her "What's wrong Opal?" I said wiping her tears with my sleeve "Uncle Jungkook and Yugyeom wouldn't let me play" I frown "Why?" She shrugged her shoulders and laid her head on my shoulder.

I walked over to where Jungkook  and Yugyeom were playing. They were playing with some toy cars "Jungkook, Yugyeom, why has Opal come to me crying saying that you won't let her play?" Yugyeom stood up "Appa she always gets to play with me then she just takes control of the whole game. It's so unfair because if I do something wrong I'm told off but when Opal has done something wrong she doesn't get told off" he crossed him arms. I looked at Jungkook and he nodded at me to say Yugyeom was right. I guess it is, I should be more equal but I can't help it.

I smile at Yugyeom "You can continue playing with Uncle Jungkook" and walk away with Opal. She stared at me in shock "A-Appa?" I stop and look at Opal "Princess you cant always have your way okay?" She looked down frowning "Okay" I stroke her hair "Come on, cheer up! You can go play with Ma Cha" she slowly nodded "Okay"

I put her down on the floor and called Ma Cha. Ma Cha came running in "Yes Uncle Tae?" I smile at her "Do you wanna play with Opal?" Her face lit up "Yeah! Come on Opal, you can be a princess if you want!" Opals face lit up "Yeah, yeah!" They both ran off leaving me with a smile on my face.

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