Chapter 19

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~Yoongi's POV~

I sat on my bed with me headphones in listening to one of my new songs. Through the music I hear a knock coming from the door. I pulled one earphone away from my ear "Come in!" It opened and I saw Ma Cha. She waddled to my bed and I lifted her up into my lap "What's wrong princess?" She looked down "I'm lonely. Everyone is at work and Appa said I can't come. Your the only one home so I though you might play with me or something..." I smile at the cute little girl in my lap "Of course I'll play with you~" she looked at me with a beaming smile.

For the next hour we played various games including dress up.

I looked at the clock which showed 15:23. That meant everyone would be home soon. Ma Cha was lead on the sofa asleep so I got a blanket and pillow to make her confortable. As I finished putting the blanket around Ma Cha's small body I heard the door unlock.

I quickly walked to the door "SHHHHH. Ma Cha's asleep on the sofa!" I whisper-shouted. The all quieten down and go get dressed.

I walked to my room and heard someone call my name. I turn left to see Namjoon. He smiled "Thanks for looking after Ma Cha today Yoongi." I nod and smile slightly "No prob. I'm her uncle I'll always be here to look after her." We smile and go our separate ways.

~Jungkook's POV~

I was with Taehyung in his room cuddling together. I had felt a bit down all day so when we got back I asked Tae if we could cuddle and he said yes.

I led with my arms around my older brother "Thanks..." he looked down "Why are you saying thank you, I haven't done anything" I smile and tighten the hug "For being my big brother" he got it and kissed my forehead.

After a while we heard something move and was suddenly attacked in a hug by Jimin. We all burst out in laughter. Jimin started to tickle us both and we giggled even more trying to get him to stop.

The tickling soon stoped and Jimin said "I love you guys!" Me and Taehyung chime in sync "We love you to Jiminie!"

As we were shouting and giggling again we heard someone bellow from another room "Shut up you three! Next door will be complaining if you don't be quiet!" We all quietly laugh knowing it was Jin.

I pull my brothers close and lie down with them. I kiss both of their cheeks and say "I love you Taetae! I love you Minnie!" They return the words and hug me tightly.

~Taehyung's POV~

I had to take out the rubbish so I slipped on my shoes but the doorbell rang so I quickly jogged to the door and opened it. Nobody was there until I looked down because I heard gurgling noises. There was a little baby holding its hand up into the sky. I picked the small baby up. He didn't look any older than 9 months old.

I quickly took the basket he was in inside and shouted "Guys come here!" I heard Hobi shout "Did you forget how to unlock the door or something?" They all came from different different directions and saw a little bundle of blankets in my arms.

Jin immediately took the baby "Taehyung where did you get him?!" I pointed at the front door "He was on the front step as I was going to go take the rubbish out to the bins" Everyone looked at me like they didn't believe everything "You probably dont believe me but look the rubbish is still here so I can't have gone far"

Jungkook walked to the basket the baby was in and picked a note out of it. He read it "Guys Tae is right, he didn't steal the baby. It says the mother couldn't afford to look after him so she hopes someone else can. He's 8 and a half months old and he doesn't have a name"

We all thought about it for a second the I came up with something "Why dont we keep him? If he goes into adoption they could put him with mean people." I said and took him into my arms and rocked him.

Namjoon and Jin whispered about it for a minute then looked at me "Taehyung, you can keep the baby, as long as you look after him" Namjoon said "Can I help Taetae?" Jungkook asked excitedly. Jin nodded "Sure Kookie"

I remember the baby boy didn't have a name "We will call him... Kim Yugyeom!" (Not Got7's Yugyeom) Everyone agreed and went to do other things.

I went to my room with Yugyeom and Jungkook. I gently placed Yugyeom on the bed and checked to make sure he didn't have any health problems. Jungkook put his hand on my back "We should go shopping for baby Yugyeom because he doesn't have any clothes or anything" I remember something "Okay but his clothes look a tad dirty and I think I had a onesie that will fit him perfectly from when I was a baby" Jungkook nods and I go to find it.

I finally found it in a pile of my small clothes that I couldn't be bothered to chuck out. I went back to my room and saw Jungkook lead on the bed playing with Yugyeom. I smile and sit next to them on the bed "Look, I found it!" We put it on him but it was a bit of a struggle as Yugyeom kept crying and trying to get away.

We told the others we were going to get Yugyeom some stuff and left. The baby store was only down the road from our house so we walked.

We noticed Yugyeom couldn't crawl or sit up so we were gonna have to teach him a lot.

There's now 10 people in the family! Jeez that's gonna be fun!

Hope you enjoyed.

Lots of Love Noah Mai xxx

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