Chapter 24

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~Jungkook's POV~

We sat in the hall waiting to go see Namjoon and Ma Cha.

We had came to see them yesterday but after a while we were told we had to leave.

After a few minutes we were let in. We walked in and saw Ma Cha crying. I walked to her and stroked her hair "Hey Princess, what's wrong?" She looked over at Namjoon "I-I want to go hug Appa but the nurse said I have to stay in bed and rest" she sniffed "Its okay Ma Cha. When we get out I will give you lots of hugs and kisses" Namjoon said and smiled at her.

~An hour later~

Me and Tae decided to go home because Yugyeom needed to sleep properly and it was very crowded in the hospital room.

We got home and Tae handed Yugyeom to me "Hold on I need to go get his medicine" I nod and look at Yugyeom. He's very small for him age but he will grow with time. He reached for my hair and started playing with it. He was very gentle and giggled a lot whilst playing until Tae came back.

Taehyung tickled Yugyeom and kissed his forehead. He took the medicine and gave it to Yugyeom. Of course Yugyeom started to cry and reach for Taehyung so he lifted Yugyeom from me and hugged him.

~Taehyung's POV~

I hugged little Yugyeom because he hated the taste of the medicine. His small arms went around my neck and his head into the crook of my neck. Jungkook rubbed Yugyeom's back "Its Okay Yugyeom" as Jungkook stopped speaking the doorbell chimed. We walked downstairs and Jungkook opened the door to reveal Jackson.

Jackson looked sad so I asked "Hey Jackson what's wrong?" He broke down in tears "I-I'm s-sorry Taehyung. I d-don't know w-why I hurt y-you! Please forgive me!" He was now on his knees begging for forgiveness. I took his hand and pulled him up "It's okay Jackson, I forgive you. Just, please, don't do it again" he nods "I won't I promise!" My expression changed from a straight to a smile. Yugyeom started to wriggle around in my arms "Yugyeom~ what are you doing?~" he giggle and reached for my face "Appa!" I sighed "I should get going. Again, I'm really sorry Taehyung" Jackson left and Jungkook closes the door "That... that was weird" Jungkook said staring at the door. I nod "Very... maybe he's planning something or is just really sorry" we both shake it off and go to the living room.

I tried to get Yugyeom to sleep but he was way to energetic so I asked Jungkook to go get the play mat. He came back and laid it on the floor. I got on the floor and sat with crossed legs and laid Yugyeom down and he started playing with the things on string.

Since Yugyeom came into my life I'd definitely been a lot happier and less... well... depressed I guess. Because I was looking after a baby I had no chance to think about my past as I was always at work, asleep or looking after Yugyeom. He's defiantly brightened me up and that one of the many reasons I love my son. He is everything anyone could have ever asked for.

I felt a pull on my shirt and I looked down to see Yugyeom sat up and staring up at me "Appa!" I held his hands for support "Well done Yugyeom, you're getting better" He stared at me probably not knowing what was going on.

Slowly over that week I helped Yugyeom learn to sit up without support. He was now sitting up on his own and I am so proud of him. I mean I sometimes wake up at 3am in the morning to Yugyeom sat up throwing his toys but it shows he's trying.

~4 weeks later~

Namjoon and Ma Cha has been discharged from the hospital and Yugyeom was getting better at getting up on his own ,with the furnitures help, and attempting to walk.

He had been so energetic lately it was really cute.

I sat on the sofa and I felt a little hand on my leg. I removed my phone from my face and saw Yugyeom standing and holding onto my trouser leg. His head was down and his tongue stuck out in concentration. I watch Yugyeom slowly move his feet, trying to walk. I took his hand and he stared up at me for a second before looking back down trying to walk. He successfully took a few small steps but he fell over and started to cry. I picked him up and hugged him.

He calmed down and was soon on the floor crawling around, playing with Yeontan. Yugyeom stopped and looked at me "Appa" I continued reading on my phone "Yes baby?" He pulled on my trouser leg again. I turn my phone off and pick Yugyeom up. He pointed to something so I looked at what it was. It was his juice. I got it and gave it to Yugyeom "There you go" he quickly took it and started to drink.

As I was on my phone and Yugyeom was still dri his milk and Mi Yong walked in with a smile "Tae, are you ready? You've got dance practice with the boys" as she told me I remember and quickly jump up with Yugyeom. I quickly collect all of my dance stuff and run downstairs. As I was half way down the stairs Namjoon called out "Tae! Come on!" I got to the car and got in. Out of breath I said "I'm here, is that all of us?" Ma Cha talked "We have Yugyeom, me, Mimi, Kookie, Taetae, Jiminie, Appa, Hobi, Choongi and Jinnie! Yep that's everyone!" Yoongi suddenly called out "Really you're calling me Choongi? Ugh whatever" Jin started to drive as everyone started to laugh at Yoongi.

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