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"That's perfect babe" Jimin smiled happily while stroking Yeontan's head.

"I'll go wait by the door and you can get Yeontan's collar" Jimin smiled.

Taehyung thought back to his nightmare he had and shook his head slightly.

"Will you be alright? What if my dream comes real?" Taehyung slowly started to panic.

Jimin kisses Taehyung cheek and smiled at him and Yeontan.

"Alright, let's go get Yeontan's collar together" Jimin said and they both went over to the desk.

Taehyung managed to pay for everything before Jimin could making Jimin pout playfully.

While they were getting everything together, Taehyung got that feeling again and he started to move his head around seeing if he could see anyone. The feeling of being watched became stronger. Jimin looked towards Taehyung and started to worry.

"What's wrong babe?" He asked not so loud, just loud enough for him and Taehyung to hear.

"That feelings back" Taehyung said back.

The lady at the cashier handed them there bag and they left. As they were leaving Jimin held Yeontan in one arm securely and brought Taehyung closer to him.

They began walking away. Taehyung turned his head and that's when he got freaked out. He saw a black figure come out the same place and started storming towards them.

"J-Jimin there is someone" Taehyung stuttered.

"Don't look at them babe, we're nearly home" Jimin said pulling Taeyung and Yeontan closer.

Taehyung couldn't stop looking back. He literally sees someone following them and fear grew more inside of him.

They soon arrived home and Jimin locked the front door when they were in. Taehyung leaned against the wall and fell down it breathing heavily. Yeontan started to explore his knew home barking happily. Jimin sat down next to Taehyung and hugged him tight.

"Jimin, do you think they'll know where we live now?" Taehyung asked, his voice with a slight hint of fear in it.

"I don't know babe" Jimin said hugging Taehyung tightly comforting him.

They stayed like that for a few minutes and calmed down. Then, something was posted through the letter box. Jimin looked towards it and picked it up. It was a white folded piece of paper. He opened it up reading what it said.

'We'll be back tonight'

Jimin froze and looked at Taehyung.

"What does it say?" Taehyung asked taking his coat off from getting warm.

"T-Their coming back tonight" Jimin stuttered showing Taehyung the note.

Taehyung shook his head while reading it. He didn't want any of this to happen. He finally confessed to the love of his life, started a mini family and this is happening. All Taehyung wanted was for Jimin and Yeontan to be safe.

They both took their shoes and coats off. They threw the note in the bin and started setting everything out for Yeontan. They placed his toys in the corner of the room and they put his bed in Jimin's bedroom. Since they all decided they would just sleep in there. Taehyung and Jimin sat on the sofa with Yeontan on Taehyung's knee playing with a twisted dog rope.

Time went by fast. Too fast for their liking. They didn't want it to be night at all, they were coming back and both were scared.

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First Uploaded: 30/11/2018
Edited: 08/02/2019

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