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A few hours passed, Jimin didn't move from Taehyung side and neither did Yeontan. Soon enough Taehyung's eyes opened slowly seeing a brightish light. He moved his gaze over to Jimin, looking at him weakly.

"Ba-babe? How are you feeling?" Jimin smiled weakly seeing his boyfriend look so weak.

Taehyung shook his head slightly feeling more pain before and his eyes filled with tears but didn't fall.

"P-pain and I feel w-weird" he stuttered.

Jimin's expression changed into a worried one, "b-babe what happened? Do you know?" He asked.

"N-no" he shook his head slightly.

"J-Jimin I f-feel so weird I-I don't like the f-feeling" Taehyung breathes heavily.

Jimin wheels himself to the door worriedly, "I'm going to get the doctors babe" he said before exiting.

Jimin wheeled himself until he found Taehyung's main doctor that monitors him. He told him what the younger said and he immediately went to the room to make sure everything was alright, with Jimin wheeling behind him.

When the doctor entered he asked Taehyung about it and he explained, leaving the doctor confused of what it could be. Unsure of what it is the doctor told Taehyung that he was going to give him some more medication to hopefully reduce it. So the doctor left and came back with it giving it to Taehyung. He also put in a cannula into Taehyung's hand making him wince in pain slightly. He also told Taehyung to try and think back if he could temper anything. Then the doctor left to try and figure out what it could be.

As Jimin arrived at the room from having to wheel himself he entered the room hearing Yeontan whining.

"What happened?" He asked softly looking at the younger.

"N-nothing much, they put a cannula in my hand as well as more medication, the doctor also wants me to think about to see if I can remember the cause of it, I-I just can't remember anything that could have happened at the moment" Taehyung explained.

"Are you sure babe? You don't remember nothing?" Jimin looked worried as he wheeled himself back over.

"He did say that I could have happened in surgery and is a good possibility it could have, just not sure what it is" Taehyung said as he tried thinking back, his memory still a bit fuzzy from only waking up a few minutes ago.

Jimin tilts his head slightly, "in surgery? But you were in there to get better" Jimin said worried and confused.

"Yeah, unless something happened" Taehyung looked down a bit.

"You don't think something could've..." Jimin said to himself but Taehyung still heard.

"Something couldn've?" He questioned and Jimin shook his head.

"I'm so going to hurt whoever did this to you babe" Jimin started to get a little angry that someone was still trying to him.

"What do you think could've happened!" Taehyung said getting a little scared of what could've happened.

Jimin frowns, "I don't know but I will find out and when I do, they will pay Babe" Jimin said looking into his boyfriends eyes.

Taehyung's expression then changed into a pained one.

"Babe are you okay?" Jimin asked alerted.

"Y-Yeah don't worry" he said trying to hide the fact that he was in pain.

"Babe I will worry now please tell me" Jimin said worriedly.

"P-pain and the w-weird feeling" he said again.

"I'm going to get the doctor" Jimin and got up out of wheel chair and walked out to get a doctor again.

When Jimin left tears rolled down Taehyung's cheeks. He tried stopping them and wiping them away not wanting to worry Jimin any further. While doing so his thoughts came back to him about the surgery and something before he even came to the hospital.

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Sorry for a shored chapter, I'm so tired right now so I'll publish a new chapter tomorrow as well, hopefully.
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First Uploaded: 09/01/2019
Edited: 08/02/2019

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