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A little bit of blood mentioned in this.
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Taehyung feels wetness on his stomach. He looked down to see his hospital gown stained with his blood. The pain and the weird feeling he had been feeling was too much for him to handle at that moment and passed out before anyone could get to him.

Jimin got to his side.

"Check on him!" He shouted at the other doctors getting their attention as a few attended to the both.

They lifted Taehyung up onto a bed and took him into a different room leaving Jimin in the hall way with two doctors checking up on him.

With Taehyung they took him into another room to see what the cause of the bleeding is. They took his hospital gown off and saw that a few of his stitches had come undone with a lot of blood leaking from it. They quickly restricted them so he didn't loose anymore blood, they also took some blood tests to see if they can find out what the weird feeling Taehyung was feeling is.

The doctors told Jimin that he was just knocked a little hard causing him to wobble before and the coughing was from stress. Jimin wheeled himself back into Taehyung's room seeing Yeontan still on the bed whining.

"Don't worry little one, he'll be back soon" Jimin comforted the little puppy.

They brought Taehyung back through still unconscious. They hooked him up to the IV and placed an oxygen mask around his nose and mouth. Then they left.

"Why..." Jimin whispered, blaming himself for making Taehyung worried and got up from the hospital bed when he wasn't ready.

Taehyung's nose twitched and opened his eyes slowly. He moved his head ever so slightly to get a better view of Jimin, seeing saddened and worried expression. Jimin saw that Taehyung had woken.

"How are you feeling" he smiled weakily seeing Taehyung hurt once again.

"A bit better now, how do you feel?" Taehyung asked, while sitting up in the bed and was about to remove his oxygen mask.

"Babe, don't take the mask off if you need it, and I'm fine, I'm fine" Jimin smiles slightly reinsure Taehyung that he was fine this time.

"I'm still going to figure the surgery" Jimin said.

"You don't have to" Taehyung said not wanting to put any pressure on Jimin.

"I need to babe, we are a team after all. I love you so much no matter what" Jimin smiles placing his hand on top of Taehyungs.

"I love you too, we'll find out together" Taehyung smiled.

"Yes we will, but do you remember anything about who might've done anything to you babe?" Jimin asked trying to get as much information as possible.

"There was a doctor glaring at me before I went into surgery, do you think it could be him?" Taehyung said thinking hard since his memory was a bit hazy.

"He was glaring at you and acting strange? Why didnt you say anything before babe?" Jimin asked worriedly.

"I don't know, he also wasn't really paying attention to what other doctors said to him" Taehyung looked away a bit from Jimin's gaze.

"No no babe it wasn't your fault at all. Just tell me more" Jimin said as he squeezed Taehyung hand gently comforting him.

"The last thing i remember was him looking in his pocket smirking about something" he looked back at Jimin.

"Well that damn doctor is going to die at my hands when im through with him" Jimin glared slightly.

"But what was the substance he had?" Taehyung asked more worried about the substance that was injected into him.

"I don't know babe but when I get my hands on him, he will tell me" Jimin looked into Taehyung's eyes promise him.

Taehyung nodded, "ok, how do we find him?"

"I dont know but i will find a way babe" Jimin sighed.

"I'll help you" Taehyung smiled but then Yeontan started barking.

"Fine but use my wheelchair babe" he said and then looked worried, "why is Yeontan barking?"

"No you need the wheelchair i'll be fine and I'm not sure" Taehyung looked over at Yeontan.

"No. I only hurt my leg and foot which is okay to walk on. You sit now babe" Jimin commanded and pointed to his chair and shakes his head, "well if he barked then that damn doctor must be close"

"But you need it more than me and that doctor could be close" Taehyung tried persuading.

Jimin shook his head, "no I do not babe and if he is then stay close to me" he slowly looked out the door.

Taehyung sighed and sat in the wheelchair and wheeled himself way over to Jimin, "do you see anything?"

Jimin looked around, "I think I see him babe but im not too sure about it"

Taehyung looked nervous "what should we do?"

"I dont know babe but I'll figure it out" Jimin smiled down at him.

Taehyung nodded and smiled slightly "we both will"

Jimin smiles and nodded, and kissed his cheek "together as always babe"

"Yeah" Taehyung nodded and smiled.

"What should we do for now?" He also asked.

Stay here, I'm gonna go check on something babe" Jimin said as he was bought to leave the room.

Taehyung grabbed his hand and shook his head, "don't go"

The older smiled and squeezed his hand "but what about finding out babe?"

"I'm coming with you then" Taehyung said sternly.

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First Uploaded: 15/01/2019
Edited: 08/02/2019

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