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"But- but babe no. I dont want him coming after you like last time" Jimin said worriedly as he looked at Taehyung.

"Please let me come I'll just worry if I don't" Taehyung looked down at his hands.

"Fine babe but stay close to me alright" Jimin smiled at the younger making his head rise.

"I will" he smiled and then Yeontan started barking again.

"Good babe but he must be close if Yeontan is barking again" he said as Jimin looked back out the door into the hall way.

"Yeah, what should we do?" Taehyung just so confused about everything.

"Stay here, while I go look" Jimin said trying to persuade Taehyung to stay put.

"Let me come with you, I don't want anything to happen" Taehyung said pouting in sadness slightly making Jimin's heart melt in cuteness.

"Okay babe, lets do this together" Jimin said officially giving in.

"How are we going to ask the doctor?" Taehyung asked as they started planning.

"I don't know babe but I will once I get my hands on the ones who did this to you" Jimin said feeling himself getting angry at what they did.

"I just don't want you to get hurt" Taehyung smiled softly making Jimin's anger calm down and smile at the younger.

"A few bumps and bruises I don't mind so long as you are safe babe" Jimin smiled as he brought Taehyung into a hug.

"I'll be fine don't worry" Taehyung giggled and hugged him tighter scared of what's going to happen but he just doesn't want to admit it.

"Okay follow me and stay close babe" Jimin said as they both left the room down the hall, towards the nursing station.

Taehyung wheels close behind doing as Jimin said. He didn't want to cause Jimin anymore trouble than he already has, he feels like this is all his fault. They finally arrive at the nursing station and Jimin started asking the nurses questions if they heard anything about Taehyung's surgery. As they continued talking Yeontan started to growl a bit which distracted Jimin and someone bumped into him.

"Jimin! You alright?" Taehyung asked worriedly looking at the older.

He then gets bumped again and he fell, "Y-yes babe I am dont worry"

Taehyung got out of the wheelchair and kneeled down next to Jimin not convinced that he was alright. Especially with his leg. With kneeling he felt a slight pain in his stomach.

Jimin nods and stands up, he helped Taehyung back in the wheelchair and smiled small, "I told you to be careful babe, don't overstress yourself please and i think the doctor may be down on the lower floors"

"Ok i won't, which floor is the doctor on?" Taehyung questioned.

Jimin shrugged while walking slowly to the elevator, "she didnt say, she just said on the lower levels babe"

"Are we going to check them all until we find them?" Taehyung asked and Jimin shook his head.

They arrived at the elevators and Jimin pressed the button, "no no babe, I think I have an idea where he may be"

Taehyung nodded slightly, "o-ok where's that?"

The elevator opens as he hold it open for Taehyung, "the floor where you had your surgery babe"

Taehyung gulped and nodded not wanting to think about it all again, "let's hope he hasn't done it to anyone else"

Jimin nods and waits for him, "yes babe now I hope the same otherwise thats more lives in danger now come on"

Taehyung wheeled himself into the elevator, "do you think he's done it to more people?"

Jimin got in the elevator as it closed while he looked at the younger, "I dont know, maybe, but if he did, he will pay for it babe"

"I don't understand why people would do that" Taehyung sighed.

Jimin shook his head, "me neither babe which is why I don't like people like him"

"Neither do I, I just can't think of what substance he has and what can happen when it's in you" Taehyung looked at Jimin with slight fear in his eyes.

The elevator door opened and Jimin held it open for Taehyung, "we will get to the bottom of this finally and make him pay" then kissed the top of the younger head.

He wheeled himself out the elevator again, "just thinking of him and the substance make me feel all weird again"

"Oh? Are you okay babe?" Jimin asked worriedly as he walked out after.

Taehyung nodded and gulped, "yeah, i just hope there's no more sign affects" he shivered from thinking about it.

Jimin frowned slightly, "if there is, im sure to hurt him more for hurting you babe" Jimin said as he hugged Taehyung again to comfort him.

"Thank you, but I just don't want you to for get" Taehyung hugged his a little tighter.

"I know babe and I don't want the same to happen to you" Jimin smiled softly.

Taehyung smiled back, "where do you think we'll find him?" He asked as he looked in different directions to see if there was any sign of him.

The older sighed, "I dont know but I know we will find him, do you see him babe?" He asked and Taehyung shook his head.

Jimin sighed again, "well he has to be around here somewhere babe so we will keep looking"

Then an idea popped into Taehyung's head, "do you think he'll be near the room I had the operation in?"

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First Uploaded: 06/02/2019
Edited: 08/02/2019

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