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"CALL AN AMBULANCE!" Jimin shouted towards the group who were restraining the man.

The same person who called the police called for an ambulance as well. Jimin ripped a good piece off his t-shirt and started applying pressure to Taehyung's wound.

"N-no babe... it's should've b-been me" Jimin sniffles and more tears fall but hears the guy shout back saying an ambulance is on its way.

"N-no, they wanted m-me and g-got what they w-wanted" Taehyung winced from the pressure being applied, his breathing became heavier and started coughing more.

"But this isn't right babe... you should put yourself in harms way" he sniffles again as the ambulance arrives.

They ran to Taehyung and started doing what they were doing. Jimin also stayed at Taehyung side trying his best to keep the younger awake but Taehyung's eyes became heavy and they slowly began to close.

"N-No" Jimin cries more as he tried gently waking the younger but but it wasn't working.

The paramedics carefully but quickly put Taehyung in the back of the ambulance and started driving to the hospital leaving Jimin at the house with more tears flowing down his cheeks. The police arrived and arrested the man, Jimin thanked the group for helping him and they said it was fine but if he wanted to repay them they told Jimin to go down to the hospital immediately to his his boyfriend and Jimin nodded.

The group left and Jimin went back inside the house, he limped up to the bedroom and unlocked it letting Yeontan out. He quickly put on a fresh t-shirt and jeans before heading down to the hospital so that he doesn't scare anyone with amount of blood there was on him. He washed his hands before putting his clothes on obviously.

Once he was done he brought Yeontan in to his arms and they limped towards the car. Jimin placed the little puppy in the passengers seat and Jimin got in the drivers side. He started the engine and he drove out the drive heading towards the hospital. It was about twenty five minute drive which worries Jimin hoping that Taehyung got there faster.

They both arrived at the hospital, he had Yeontan in his arms and they made there way to the front desk. Jimin asked about Taehyung only being told to have a seat and they'd in form him in a while.

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As for the surgery. They cleaned Taehyung's wounds and stitched a few places like his head and stomach. The doctor wasn't convinced that was everything. He had a feeling that the knife could've damaged some of the organs, so he told one of the people that was helping in the room to go book for a scan as quickly as possible.

They got to get the scan in the first five minutes of waiting. They pushed Taehyung's bed into the room and carefully lifted him on to the machine. The doctor pushed the bed out and left the room and into the control room to get the scan done and hopefully get the results as quickly as possible.

They took Taehyung to a free hospital room. They hooked him up to an oxygen mask and put an IV in his arm. Once the doctors had done that one went down stairs too see if there was anyone with Taehyung.

"Family of Kim Taehyung?" The doctor asked to the people that were currently waiting in the room.

"I'm his boyfriend" Jimin stood up and went over to the doctor.

"We have stitched his head and stomach, cleaned and bandaged his wounds up. We took him for a scan to make sure his organs are alright but we are still waiting on the results. He's in room 206 if you would like to see him" the doctor explained before leaving.

Jimin brought Yeontan into his arms again and started heading up to Taehyung's room. When they entered the room Jimin placed Yeontan on Taehyung's bed who curled up beside him with a little whine. Jimin sat down on the chair beside Taehyung's bed before looking at his unconscious, peaceful face.

"This isn't f-fair" he stuttered holding back the tears.

Taehyung heard his voice, he knew Jimin was there and started to wake up. He opens his eyes slightly seeing Jimin lean back in the chair wincing in pain.

"S-sorry I didn't mean to be loud" Jimin says more quietly.

"J-Jimin" Taehyung said now opening his eyes fully.

"Yeah" Jimin said softly looking into Taehyung's eyes.

"I-Is your l-leg okay?" He stuttered trying to hide his pain.

Jimin smiles and nods, "Oh my leg? Yeah it's f-fine, no need to worry" then he yelps in pain when he hit it by accident.

"N-no go see a d-doctor" Taehyung says weakly.

Jimin shakes his head, "I'll be fine babe, how are you doing?" Jimin asked taking Taehyung's hand into his.

"I-In pain" Taehyung said honestly trying to get Jimin to admit.

"And please go see a d-doctor" he looks at the elder worriedly.

As if on cue a doctor walked in to come and check up on Taehyung but before they did that they saw Jimin wincing in pain again. He told them that he was fine but Taehyung said that he needed to have it checked out to make sure there was no damage, so they took Jimin to get an x-ray done.

They took the x-rays and they found that his ankle was fractured so they put him in a cast and let him use a wheel chair to get around the hospital since Jimin was going to be staying with Taehyung until he was fully recovered this time.

As for Taehyung, he felt more pain come into his stomach. A different doctor came into check up on Taehyung, who was also helping stitch up his wounds when he entered the hospital, came to make sure Taehyung was alright. Taehyung got an odd vibe coming from the doctor but ignored it and thought he was just tired since it was early hours of the morning.

"Your scan results will be back soon" the doctor said and then left the room before Taehyung could say anything.

As Jimin was wheeling himself to Taehyung's room he saw the doctor leave the younger's room. He became a little worried and wheeled himself in the room as fast as he could. Yeontan was also barking slightly which made Jimin more worried.

"B-Babe what happened?" He asked worriedly coming over to Taehyung's bed more.

"They just came in to check up on me and s-saying my scan results will be back soon" Taehyung smiled painfully.

"Well gets some rest babe, I'll go check on it, okay?" He said softly.

"They didn't look to happy when they said the results would be back" Taehyung looked down.

"It'll be fine, we'll get through this together babe" Jimin took Taehyung's hand into his small ones.

Taehyung nods in response to Jimin but felt more pain when he did it. To try and stop the pain he held his breath slightly try to calm the pain down.

"Are you okay?" Jimin asked worriedly seeing Taehyung's expression.

"Just p-pain" Taehyung stuttered.

"It was supposed to be me" Jimin said then kissed Taehyung's hand.

"They wanted me, I-I didn't want you to get hurt but you did, I-I'm sorry" Taehyung apologises try not to make his voice sound like he was going to cry.

"I don't care what they wanted, you're mine and I'm suppose to protect you" Jimin said with a small smile trying to make Taehyung smile.

"And I'm suppose to protect you" Taehyung smiled slightly.

"We protect each other" Jimin smiles more.

"Yeah" Taehyung agreed happily.

Then a doctor walked in.

"We have your results" they said.

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First Uploaded: 06/01/2019
Edited: 08/02/2019

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