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"I'm afraid from the impact of the knife has caused your organ to become damaged as well as from forces such as punching and kicking in the area before hand, we will have to preform surgery on them as soon as possible but we will need your consent" the doctor explained placing a clipboard down with all the information and a place to sign say that the surgery can be done, then they felt then room.

Jimin watched the doctors leave, from the word 'damaged' Jimin held his breath in shock and hoping it wasn't true. When they left he stopped holding his breath and looked towards Taehyung.

"D-Damaged? Okay when do you need surgery babe?" Jimin smiled through the pain of knowing that his beloved boyfriend was going to have surgery.

He looked at the clipboard seeing if there was a specific date it needed to be in for but it said nothing.

Taehyung sighs, "I-I don't know... I'd rather not have surgery" he muttered the last part.

Then he gets a sudden wave of pain again.

"D-Do you think that's why there's s-so much pain?" Taehyung asked trying to ignore the current pain he was in now.

"Yes babe, that's why you need surgery" Jimin put the clipboard down and held the youngest hand.

"D-Do I have to have it?" Taehyung asked because he seriously doesn't like the feeling of having to have surgery.

"Yes babe, you need to get better please" Jimin tried convincing to get Taehyung to have it.

"Okay, I-I'll have The s-surgery" Taehyung nodded slightly.

Jimin nods and Taehyung weakly sighs the bottom of the paper the doctor gave them before he wheeled himself out the room going to find the doctor that was looking after Taehyung. After he found the doctor he told him that Taehyung wants the surgery and handed the clipboard back to him. The doctor told Jimin that Taehyung could have to surgery right away, Jimin agreed know that it would help Taehyung more if he got it done sooner.

The doctor booked Taehyung for theatre straight away, even though it was still early hours in the morning. The doctor came into Taehyung's room and preps him for theatre. Jimin come into the room looking towards Taehyung, who was looking at the doctors to see who would be doing the surgery on him.

While they were wheeling Taehyung down to theatre Jimin also wheeled himself down to calm Taehyung's nerves because of how anxious he looked.

"Don't worry babe, I'll be waiting for you once your out" Jimin said and pecked Taehyung's cheek just before the oxygen mask was.

Taehyung smiled and they took him through the doors where Jimin can't go through. Once the doors closed they injected the substance that makes you go to sleep before surgery. Taehyung felt his eyes getting heavy and he soon fell asleep ready for them to preform surgery on him.

Jimin wheeled himself back to Taehyung's hospital room to keep Yeontan entertained. When he arrived Yeontan immediately ran up to Jimin jumping. Jimin lifted Yeontan upon to his lap petting him gently. Yeontan whined softly not seeing his other owner with them.

"Yes I know little one, I miss him to but he'll be back... I hope he does" Jimin said softly holding back his tears, scared of loosing Taehyung.

During the surgery one of the doctors that was operating on Taehyung didn't really care about the boy. After all his twin brother in prison now thanks to him. The main doctor that was looking after Taehyung asked that doctor to help him. Of corse he wasn't really paying attention and cut a little slit into one of Taehyung's organ. The other doctors immediately rushed to try and stop the bleeding from the organ and to carefully stitch it back up, which made the surgery longer.

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Jimin started to grow more worried as the surgery was taking such a long time. He understood that it was a complicated thing it was just that he had no idea if anything had happened.

"Come on little one, let's go see if there's any news on him" Jimin said making sure Yeontan was secure on his lap as he started wheeling to the nurses station.

"Hello may I help you?" One of the nurses at the desk ask, typing away at the computer keeping records of patients that were on the same floor.

"Yeah, my boyfriend Kim Taehyung has been in surgery for a long time now, I understand it's a complicated surgery but I'm just worry" Jimin explained and he saw the look the nurse gave him, little worried, which also worried Jimin.

"I'm afraid the surgery will take longer sir, one of Mr. Kim's organs got a little slit cut in it while trying to do something complicated which has made the surgery longer and we don't know what time or when the surgery will be finished, I'm sorry" the nurse explained and worry filled Jimin even more.

Then a doctor come from the surgery room where Taehyung is. Jimin saw that the doctor looked annoyed and grumpy, he saw him going into a room that said 'Doctors only' which made Jimin worry more.

"Is there anyway I can see him to make sure he's alright?" Jimin asked the nurse.

"I can let you look through the window of the room but I can't let you in, it'll also be a bit heartbreaking seeing your boyfriend the way he is in there but I will still let you in" the nurse said and Jimin nodded immediately.

She got up from the chair and led Jimin down to the double doors where he last saw Taehyung go through. The nurse put in the code that opened the doors and Jimin wheeled him and Yeontan in. The sight he saw broke Jimin's heart. Where Taehyung's stomach was, the doctors were surrounding so Jimin didn't see anything there. The main thing that broke his heart was seeing his boyfriend there sleeping looking so weak and a little pale.

"N-No" Jimin whispers as a tear rolled down his cheek and Yeontan whined a bit.

All of a sudden the beeping for the oxygen machine started showing that Taehyung was struggling to breathe properly. Jimin pounds on the glass saying that Taehyung needed more oxygen which they sorted. Yeontan whined again from the loud bang that Jimin made on the glass.

"Shh it's okay little one" Jimin said petting the little puppy gently.

Then the doctor that Jimin saw come out of the room walked back in and walked over to Taehyung. He grabbed his arm and injected something into him. Jimin just thought it was something keep Taehyung asleep longer as the surgery was delayed. Then the doctor left again. Yeontan puts his small paws and Jimin chest and started licking his face before laying back down on Jimin lap.

"He's tough little one, he'll make it" Jimin said calming the little puppy down.

Soon the surgery finished and they wheeled Taehyung out the room taking him somewhere else. Jimin followed behind them trying to keep up and he watched as the doctor hooked Taehyung up to a different machine, but still has an IV in his arm and a oxygen mask around his mouth and nose.

"N-no" Jimin says seeing his boyfriend continuing to cough and hooked up to a different machine that he has no idea what it's for.

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First Uploaded: 07/01/2019
Edited: 08/02/2019

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