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They took Jimin to a hospital room of his known. He had an oxygen mask placed across his mouth. It didn't take him long to wake up, when he did he saw a nurse who was checking everything over. On orders she removed the oxygen mask from Jimin. She did a few more checks before leaving.

Jimin grew bored without Taehyung with him so decided to get up out of the hospital bed and went to Taehyung's room. While walking from a distance he saw a figure laying on the floor. Jimin walked over quickly to make sure they were alright and when he got close he recognised him. Taehyung. He ran the rest of the way to Taehyung.

"Tae! Tae! Wake up" Jimin said panicky and shook the younger slightly.

"GET A DOCTOR QUICK" he shouted getting a few nurses and doctors attention.

They all ran to the two and took Taehyung from Jimin's arms. The nurse tried there best to calm the now crying Jimin. The doctors had carried Taehyung into the room and checked his breathing seeing it was weak and uneven. They brought out lots of machines trying their best to get his heartbeat up and normal again.

The nurse were trying to calm down Jimin, it took half an hour until he stood up from where he was and walked over to the door of Taehyung's room. He looked in and his eyes widened. He saw more machines, wires and his unconscious, struggling boyfriend. Jimin's heart broke at the sight he was seeing.

"Please wake up" He whispered to no one but himself.

He sat down on the floor outside Taehyung's room. He brought his knees up to his chest and started crying into them. Not long he soon fell asleep and stayed like that.

His dream was weird. Everything around him was black for a while. He had no idea what was going on. A few minutes into his dream he heard someone walking up behind to him.

Jimin turned around slowly as was met with the one person he wanted to be with at the moment.


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First Uploaded: 06/12/2018
Edited: 08/02/2019

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