Chapter 1

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It was simple. I couldn't keep him off my mind. That stupid, sly smile of his kept me from working on the dress I was making. I had walked in to the office that day determined to finish the dress, yet it was almost two and I hadn't even finished the basic shape. I kept thinking about last night. About Zion. Since I was a well-known fashion designer, I had been invited to PUMA's first casual wear party. It was the first ever fashion party I had been invited to and I was ecstatic. I had dressed in an olive green dress that accented the dark colour of my skin. 

I had worn my hair up to expose my back, since the dress had a plunging V down to my tailbone. There were many fashion designers there as well and when they asked me who made the dress I responded proudly with, 'Me'. That was all last night, but for some reason I couldn't stop thinking about it. Not the food, even though it was exquisite, or the job offers, but the boy that I met. 

His skin was the colour of caramel and his eyes were brown like fresh cocoa beans. His brows were thick, which made all of his expressions easy but also hard to read at the same time. What amazed me the most was his hair. He had short dreads, that were dark brown at the roots then turned gold at the tips. They were long enough that he had to effortlessly shake them out of his eyes every so often. His laugh was warm, round and full. The sound of his laughter could lull me to sleep. He wasn't alone though, there were four other good looking boys with him but only he stood out to me. Later that night I found out they were all singers from a band, and they were only there because they had modeled the upcoming line. For the first half of the night, I couldn't take my eyes off him.

 I took business cards from people without even listening to what they had to say to me. He once caught me staring and I turned away quickly, feeling so embarrassed. I was talking to a fellow beginning fashion designer when someone tapped me on my bare shoulder. I turned around to find the mystery man standing behind me. 

'Would you like a drink?' He asked me, offering me a glass of sparkling wine. I turned back to the lady to find that she was gone. I nodded my head and said

'Yes please, thank you.' I took the glass.

'What's your name?' He asked me.

'My name is Rudo.'

'Rudo.' he tested it on his tongue, 'That is really nice.'

'It means love in Shona'

'So you come from Zimbabwe right?'

'Wow, someone who actually knows where I'm from without me telling them.' I said 'And pronounced it correctly.' He chuckled, revealing his straight white teeth.

'I loved geography as a kid.'

'And he's smart too.' I paused 'what's your name?'

'My name's Caleb but people call me Zion' he smiled.

'Sorry your gonna have to give me another clue, I can't guess where you're from.' I laughed

'I didn't think you could.' he said looking into his wine glass 'I come from Canada' he said looking up.

'Your name is beautiful' I blurted. He met my eyes.

'Thank you' He smiled and I responded with a smile of my own. Zion looked around the room. 'Hey, do you want to go sit outside for a minute?'

I knew that I should stay in the party, because it would benefit my business but for some reason last night I said, yes. 



I'm gonna try and update every Friday and Sunday. Please leave comments! I'm sorry if this chapter was not what you expected, it's going to get better I promise!

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