Chapter 3

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'Ok' I said hesitantly. I was crazy, I was going into L.A at night with a man I met only hours before. So, why didn't I stop. 

It felt so right! Goddammit, I wanted to be with him forever. How does a stranger have that effect on you? We got into my car and Zion drove. Being in such a confined space with him was difficult. The moonlight reflected off of his face making him seem like he was from a fairytale. I thought I was dreaming till he turned his head and smiled at me. 

He moved his hand off of his lap and closer and closer he inched it towards my hand. I held mine out and when our fingertips touched it was like mini fireworks. We parked and got out the car. I walked out still shocked from when our fingertips touched. I looked around we were at a Walgreens.


The thought of Walgreens brought me back to reality. It was almost my turn at the cashier. The cashier handed me my milk and change and I headed back to my car. I had just unlocked my car when I heard my name called. I turned around.

'Hey, Rudo!' It was one of the band members from last night. It was the Spanish looking one. He jogged up to me.

'Hi.' I said 'You're in the same group as Zion right?'

'Yeah I am, Hi.' He said handing me his hand to shake. 'I'm Edwin'

'Hi Edwin, you already know my name is Rudo so...'

'Yeah, Zion talked about you last night.' He said then looked at the ground cursing. My heart skipped a beat, he talked about me?

'Oh, umm well then can you tell him I said hi?' I asked trying to hide my desperation.

'Well actually, we are having a pool party at our place today.' He held up some red solo cups 'I'm finishing up on last minute preparations.' He smiled meekly. 'You should come.'

'I don't know...?'

'Come on! It'll be real fun.' he said

'I won't know anyone.' I stated

'You'll know me.' he said pointing at himself 'And Zion.'

'I actually need to work on my dress.'

'Oh yeah, you are a fashion designer, Zion mentioned that.' He cursed to himself again.

'Maybe next time Edwin, but thanks for inviting me' I started making my way back to my car.

'Here have my phone number' He shoved his receipt into my hand then jogged back to his car. 'Have a nice day Rudo, oh and call me!' He winked. I went and sat in my car. I ran over the conversation that we just had, Zion talked about me? I couldn't believe that. So does that mean he can't stop thinking about last night as well? I asked myself. 

Maybe I should go to the party after all. I unwrapped the receipt Edwin gave me and dialed the number that was scrawled in messy handwriting on the back. It rang five or six times until


'Hello, Edwin is that you?' I asked

'Rudo?' the person on the other side asked. I knew that voice anywhere. I had listened to it for an entire night. Holy Shit! I mouthed.

'Hello Rudo? Is that you?'

'Hello.' I coughed. 'Yes, it's me Rudo. Um how are you?' I banged my head on the steering wheel at a steady beat. I could not believe this was happening.

'I'm good, how did you get my number?' he asked

'I met Edwin while I was picking up some milk and I guess he gave me your number instead of his.' I said. That sneaky son of a bitch. There was silence from the other end.

'Why was he giving you his number' he ground out.

'He invited me to a pool party-'

'Oh.' he interrupted.

'Yeah but I said I shouldn't- wouldn't go.'

'Why not?' Zion questioned.

'I didn't know if I was wanted or-'

'Of course you're wanted.' he answered quickly 'There are loads of people you will get to meet. Plus, you still owe me a back-handspring.' I could tell he was smiling when he said that but my eyes went to the size of saucers.

'Ok then, I'll be there. What time?'

'It starts at four and ends whenever you want.' He said. 'I'll send you the address. Oh, and it's best if you wear a bikini.'

'Why?' I asked feeling a bit hot.

'Because I think you would look good in it' He cut the call before I could say bye. Shit! I said to myself, I'm going to a PRETTYMUCH pool party.



I can't believe my baby Nick is 21 now (I know I'm a day late!)

Also, 'Thank u, next' is an actual bop. 

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