Chapter 12

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The companies adored my dress and my launch went well. It was an entire weekend of pouring myself over my own work.

 I enjoyed it a lot. It took my mind off of Zion, well for the most part. I blocked out the outside world and just kept to myself.

 I worked harder than I have ever. Even though my heart was with my work my mind always seemed to turn back to Zion. His smile, his strong muscles his honey dripping smile. 

I tried all I could to think of a reasons as to why this was happening and I refused to let my feelings take over the conversation, but there was no other explanation.

 I was in love.

It had been exactly a week since I drove away from the PM house in nothing but my bra. No one had tried to contact me, except Charlotte. She came to see me every lunch time and we ate together.

'Rudo, everyone misses you at the house.' She says, taking one of my curly fries.

'You ask me every day Charlotte and, no, I'm not walking back into that place.' I sighed. 'It distracted me, and caused enough drama for the rest of the year.'

'But, c'mon you have to admit you miss them, right?' She asked.

I paused before I answered, 'I guess so.'

'See exactly!' She yelled standing up, 'Just come for like lunch or something.'

'If you haven't realized yet.' I used my hand to gesture around my office, 'I eat lunch in here.'

'You're your own boss, I'm sure you can make an exception.'

I gathered my trash, licked my fingers and threw it in the bin, Charlotte following me.

'You can't run away from them forever.' She pointed out.

'I'm not running away.' I thought, paused, 'I'm moving on.'

'Rudo!' She yelled, 'Stop being such a stubborn bitch, please just come over. I miss having another female around.'

'What about Tiffany?'

'Tiffany?' She asked, 'Bodonc?'

I nodded my head.

'They broke up months ago.'

'Oh, I guess I need to find better sources.' I laughed to myself.

I decided to change the subject,

'I need a plus one for a party this Tuesday, you wanna come?'


'Yeah?' I asked, 'No "Fuck yes, where bitch?"?'

'There's a catch, this time if you want me to go, you have to get ready with me at the PM house.' She smiled realizing she had won.

'I can just so easily ask someone else.'

'Oh really?' She asked, quirking her brow. I racked my brain for people I could bring. I had already asked Beth and she said no, and that was pretty much all the friends I had.

I sighed, 'What time?'

Charlotte jumped up and down like a four-year-old. 'When does the party start?'


'I'll come here at four then we can go to the house together.'

'What are you going to wear, the theme is red, gold and black. Formal wear of course.'

'I thought you said this was a party?' She asked feeling let down.

'A fashion party!' I said trying to make it sound interesting.

'Will there be booze?'

'There will probably be champagne.' I shrugged.

'The things I do for love.' She posed as if she was in a drama. I playfully slapped her on the arm and walked back to the dress I was working on.

'Is that the dress you're wearing?'

'Well right now it's just fabric and a drawing, but yes, hopefully.'

Charlotte received a text and walked a few steps back.

'As long as I don't fuck this up, we should be good.' I laughed by myself. I wondered why Charlotte wasn't laughing so I turned around. She was still staring at the phone, her face was leeched of all color and she was shaking.

'Charlotte, hey Char what's wrong?' I put my hand on her shoulder, she flinched at my touch and continued walking backwards.

'I have to go.'

'Char, you can tell me. Is it something I did?'

She shook her head still looking at her phone, 'I have to go right now.'

And she ran out of my office.



Hope you liked the chapter!

The bus left school and I wasn't on it so fml.

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