Chapter 11

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The sky had turned to a gorgeous orange color with gentle streaks of dark purple here and there. I could see the young stars preparing to shine from my office's large window. It was nearly seven pm and I had just finished the dress.

 I was adding the last little bit of tulle that would go around the bust. I was so tired and ready to fall asleep but I couldn't help but jump every time my phone went off. Zion still had not called. 

By the time the sun had completely set, and the moon was high up in the sky, I was getting ready to leave the office. I didn't think Zion would call me. He's a player I told myself, but what we shared last night... The mention of last night made blood rush to my cheeks. It felt so real. I couldn't deny that I wanted him then, but I also wanted him now.

 At that moment my phone rang. I picked it up then let out a breath I did not know I was holding. Unknown caller, it read. I was sure I saved Zion's number as his name but maybe I had forgotten.

'Hello?' I answered.

A hiccup then a giggle, 'Hiya.'

It didn't sound like Zion, 'Um, who is this?'

'I don't know.' The caller laughed.

I was starting to get impatient, 'I don't have time for this shit.' I almost hung up when I heard

'No, Rudo. Please don't.'

'How do you know my name?' I asked, getting anxious.

'It's me Edwin, I already said so.' he said in a toddler's voice. I tried to hide my annoyance when I answered,

'Edwin. Are you drunk right now?'


'Are you alone?' I asked, resting my hand on my hip.

'Yup.' he emphasized the 'p'

'I'm coming to get you.'

'Oh please do.' he pleaded

'Where are you?'

'I can't remember?' he asked himself.

'What do you mean, "you can't remember"?' I copied him.

'Oh that's right.' he said more to himself, 'I'm at the chick-fil-a close to my house.' he laughed, 'I remember because I walked here.'

'I'm on my way.' I told him.

'I know I'm drunk, but don't think I missed that reference.'

'What reference?' I asked puzzled.

'It's ok.' a burp, 'I don't think you should come here, Zion is gonna be pissed.'

'Zion is not the one allowed to be pissed.' I pointed out, 'I'm coming. see you in ten.'

'Hey Rudo-'He had started saying something but I had already hung up.


I parked at the Chick-fil-a and ran inside. The place was empty, which was very rare, and the only person I could see was the lady at the counter.

'Hey, um, this might sound weird but have you seen a Hispanic looking man? Brown curly hair, about this tall.' I said using my hand as a reference.

'Thank God someone is here to take him.' she sighed, He's been causing trouble for half an hour now, screaming about some Rudo.'

'I am so sorry about that.' I apologized.

'So you are Rudo I'm guessing?' she asked.

'Yeah, that's me.'

'You should give him a second chance.' she said looking over at a booth.


'I mean if he's this caught up over it, what you two had must have been special.'

'I'm sorry what?' I asked again.

'Oh shit sorry, I tend to get too far into people's business. Just get him out of here somehow. He's underneath that table.' She pointed as she walked to the area marked "Staff Only", I couldn't ask her what she was talking about. I walked over and sat in the booth and felt Edwin shift underneath the table.

'Please get up Edwin.'

I heard him sigh and then he pushed himself up.

'What are you doing?' I whisper yelled, 'do you know how bad this would have been for your image if there were people here?' I asked him.

'I'm sorry Mamí, but I'm fine.'

'You are now, but what if you had gotten hurt? No one would have known.'

'Would you have cared?' He asked me, staring straight into my eyes.


'But you barely even know me.' He put up.

'I want to get to know you.' I lowered my voice, 'If I had gotten hurt, what would you do?'

'I wouldn't do anything 'cause you wouldn't get hurt in the first place, but if somehow you did and it was my fault, I wouldn't be able to live with myself.'

'Edwin...' I said looking at him but he was playing with the rings on his fingers, 'Let me drive you home.'

We both got up and Edwin had to lean on me because he was still unstable.


In the car, I buckled Edwin into the passenger seat then headed to the driver's seat. It was no nearing ten pm so the roads were emptying up.

'When did you leave for chick-fil-a?'

'Four.' He burped.

'Edwin you've been gone for like six hours, and you didn't tell anyone.'

'I said I was sorry.'

I stayed silent.

'Come on, Rudo you can't be this mad.'

'I can and I fucking will.'

'Listen Rudo, I'm really sorry and I won't do it again. Seeing you mad at me makes me want to go dig my own grave.' He sounded completely sober, 'I don't want to lose you over some silly mistake I made.' He added.

We were nearing the PRETTYMUCH house,

'You barely know me.' I said mocking his own words.

'I was being a dick earlier.' He sighed.

'I know.'

I stopped the car in front of the PM house,

'I care about you Edwin.'

'I love you too.' There was a pause. Then he realized what he said and a look of embarrassment displayed itself on his face.

 Before I could say anything shouts came from the house. The rest of the band members walked out and came up to my car. Edwin opened his door and ran out, straight into the house.

'Hey gorgeous.' Zion greeted me through the window, 'What's wrong with him.' Zion said asked.

'He got drunk.' I said looking ahead. He's a player, I kept saying in my head.

'Yo, so um you wanna come inside?'

'No.' Still looking ahead.

'Hey are you ok?' He asked me.

'Better than ever.'

'I see you're still wearing my shirt.'

I looked down,

'I guess I am. Actually you know what. Here.'

I pulled the shirt over my head and threw it to Zion. He stood there, most likely staring at my bra,

'Watch your fucking feet.' I said and drove off into the distance. 



Sorry I didn't update yesterday, I had a busy weekend. 

Hope you enjoyed the chapter

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