Chapter 17

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I saw Rudo storming down the stairs, and she looked pissed. It was kinda cute.

'Hey Ru, you good?' I asked stopping her. She seemed to be startled and came out of her daze.

'I'm fine.' She spat.

'Woah, woah, calm down. What happened up there?' I nodded up the stairs.

'You know what, I don't have time for this shit. Just let me go.'

'You're not going anywhere with a temper like that. Hasn't any taught you not to drive when mad?'

She crossed her arms over her chest and huffed. Her eyes would not stop moving.

'Hey, look at me.' I said. She succumbed. 'Why don't we talk this out. I hate seeing you like this.'

She looked at her watch, 'I have to get ready for an event.'

'Why aren't you getting ready here?'

'I-. There's-. Fine.' She sighed.

'You can get ready in my room.' I offered. I started to lead her back upstairs but this time into my room.

'Charlotte has to get ready with me.' She hit her with her hand remembering. Shit, Charlotte. Rudo turned towards the door to go fetch her but I grabbed her arm,

'It's ok I'll go get her. You just get started on getting ready.'

'Thanks B.' she looked into my eyes. I braced myself and walked past each room, looking for Charlotte. I had almost given up till I passed Edwin's room. 

Charlotte's arms were around him and they were whispering to each other on his bed. I had no idea my girlfriend was crying. Edwin was soothing her. 

Soothing my girlfriend.

 I ran up to her and knelt down before her.

'Char, hey baby what's wrong?' my voice was full of so much concern. She removed one arm from Edwin's neck and looked at me. I wiped away her tears using my fingers and each time she flinched.

'What can I do?' I asked. Whenever Charlotte cried it made me want to cry. Seeing her upset felt like having a knife in my heart, and someone kept going deeper and deeper. 

Splitting it and turning it into dust.

'Tell Rudo I can't- can't go to the party with her.' She hiccupped.

'Okay. Are you sure?'

She nodded. Charlotte still had put her arms back onto Edwin, I chose to ignore that.

'I'll be right back.'

'No, you go with her to the party.' She looked me in the eye, which meant she was serious.

'Charlotte, you're kidding. I'm not leaving you like this.'

'It's ok I've got Ed.'

Her words threw me off my tracks. I just stared between the two of them and acted as if I hadn't heard the words she just said.

'I guess I'll see later then.' I whispered.

'B, don't worry.' Said Edwin.

'I'll try.'

I walked out of the room holding my head in my hands and walked straight to the bathroom. I removed my glasses and splashed my face with ice cold water then looked in the mirror.

  What did I do?

'Yo, you done in there?' The bathroom door was being pounded. I put my glasses back on and swung it open. Zion.

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