Chapter 5

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'Zion?' Rudo had walked to me from across the other side of the pool 'Zion?'

'Hey, hi um I'm glad you could make it.' I said coming out of a trance. I was much taller than her which meant that I had to look down at her. We met eyes and I thought the world had stopped. 'Do you want to go get some Jell-O shots?' I asked. Stupid, stupid, stupid.

'Sure.' she responded. I led her into the house. 'Aren't all the snacks and drinks outside?'

'All except one' I smiled remembering something. I went into the fridge and pulled out the special Jell-O shots.

'What's so special about these Jell-O shots?'

'Instead of vodka I used Rosé wine.' I told her. She looked up at me and smiled.

'You remembered.'

'How could I forget' I said to her. She didn't make a move to take a Jell-O shot instead she walked up to me and placed a hand on my chest. Holy shit.


I couldn't stop myself. I placed my hand on his bare chest and felt that he was hot, so hot. I put my other arm around his neck and looked up at him. He was staring straight into my eyes. 

Something in his eyes changed then, from seeing me to longing. He saw the change in me too. He held my gaze as if asking for permission. I answered. 

Then his lips were on mine. It started off slow and gentle but then it turned into a passionate kiss. I was hungry for him and he was for me. He placed his hands firmly on my waist but then moved one lower to cup my ass. I moved both arms around his neck. He broke the kiss only to turn me around and place me on to the kitchen counter. As soon as I was sitting our mouths found each other again. 

I allowed my hands to move from his neck, into his hair. His hair. Was soft but rough and felt amazing between my fingers. I breathed in the scent of him, pine trees and sea salt. The feel of him on my body was exhilarating, my entire body was on fire. A tiny moan escaped from my mouth.


She was enjoying it. Good. My heart was beating so fast; I was sure something was wrong. She wrapped her legs around my waist, bringing me closer to her. We were sharing the same breath. From her slim waist, I moved my hands to the waistband of her denim shorts, eager to pull them off.

'Zion, hey have we got any more burger patties?' Brandon called from around the corner. I leapt away from Rudo and she jumped off the counter. I went and hid behind the island. Just as Brandon walked into the kitchen. I looked down, I was hard. Shit! I mouthed.

'Hey-.' Brandon trailed, feeling the tension, he got straight to the point.

'Nick said there might be more patties in the kitchen'

'There might be some in the freezer' I pointed to the fridge, being sure to stay hidden behind the island. Brandon picked it up then ran out of the kitchen yelling, 'Thanks!' There was silence after that.

'Should I go?' she said

At the same time, I said, 'Do you want a drink?' I paused, 'Why would you leave Rudo?' She looked around flustered.

'I don't know.'

'It's always I don't know with you.' I smiled. I wanted to walkover and embrace her but, I was still hard. What would she think if I went over and hugged her while I was in this state? Maybe it could be a test. Fuck no Zion shut up. Think of something off putting, your grandma naked. I visibly shuddered. She walked over to me and sat on the island.

'I could stay if you wanted me to.'

'Please.' I didn't even try to hide my desperation. She lifted my chin so that I was looking at her eyes. Since she was sitting on the island she was taller than me.

'I like being the one on top' she laughed. With that she jumped off the island, grabbed a Jell-O shot and walked out of the kitchen.


As soon as I was out of the kitchen I pressed myself onto the wall. I closed my eyes and tried to control my breathing. I couldn't believe what had just happened. I kissed Zion! And I made him hard. I opened my eyes and whispered 'Jesus! You scared me.'

'I'm sorry I didn't mean to' it was Austin. I was just looking for Zion; I saw you two walk into the house together.

'He's in the kitchen'

'Thanks...' there was a pause before he said 'Are you ok?

'Yeah, yeah why wouldn't I be?'

'Well you kinda came out of the kitchen in a rush only to stop and close your eyes.'

'I-I um, do you know where the restroom is?'

'Down that hall and turn left.'

'Thanks.' I said as a ran off. I shut the door of the bathroom behind me. I looked in the mirror and asked myself what are you doing? You moved to L.A to become a world-wide fashion designer but you are here at a pool party kissing a guy you hardly know. A knock came from the other side of the door.


'um yes just a minute!' I called back. I washed my face and walked out to see a girl with platinum blonde hair standing outside.

'How did you find this toilet?' she asked me.

'Austin told me to use this one' I replied. Her face lit up then.

'So that must mean you're Rudo, right?' She said with a smile on her face.

Enrapture - Zion KuwonuWhere stories live. Discover now