Chapter 18

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I was staring at all the houses we were driving by. Brandon was driving and  humming along to a tune I had never heard before. Most likely one of his originals.

'What's wrong with you and Z?' Brandon asked abruptly.

'You're gonna think it's stupid.' I turned to look at Brandon.

'No I'm not. Try me.' He met eyes with me briefly then continued looking forwards.

'He said he was going to call me.' I said to the window.

'And he didn't.' Brandon finished the sentence for me.

'Yeah. It's stupid I know-.'

'No it's not.'

I laughed to myself, 'I don't know what possessed me, but I don't know how I thought I could have ended up with a guy like him.'

'A guy like him?'


'You have no idea, do you.'


'You are way out of Zion's league. Not only are you smart and beautiful you are creative, kind and reasonable. You are every man's perfect girl.


'Zion just hasn't realized how amazing you are. It'll take him a while; he's not used to getting the best ones. Once he realizes how special you are, he'll stop being a dick.'

There was a silence. It felt like so there were so many things I could have said, but I didn't have the power to.


'Why did you choose me as your plus one?' His sentence cut mine off.

'Because I like you, I think your handsome and one of a kind. I don't know how but we have gotten so close in a matter of weeks. There is no one I would rather have gone with.'

He smiled to himself.

'Brandon, what's going on between you and Charlotte?'

His hands gripped the steering wheel tighter, and he clenched his jaw.

'Nothing.' He paused, 'I don't know. We've just been falling apart lately and I don't know what to do. I'm going mad thinking of ways to prevent her leaving me, but I can't think of anything. I love her Rudo. I don't want to be without her. I've gone through several causes but I think, I'm the problem.'

'Brandon don't say that.' I put my hand on his thigh, 'You are an amazing man. You do not have to change or do anything. Maybe, you two have just lost the spark that was there when you started the relationship. Talk to her.'

I looked outside the window. 'Stop here. This is the hotel.'

Brandon put the car in park then rushed over to my side of the car to open my door.

'Oh my what a gentleman.' I smiled.

'I try.' He chuckled. We interlocked arms and walked towards the hotel ballroom.

'Names?' The guard asked us.

'Rudo Hatendi and my plus one.'

'Please step right forward.' He used his hand to user us into the ballroom.

'Wow.' We said at the same time. We met eyes and smiled at each other. A waiter with a tray of champagne walked in front of us and Brandon grabbed two glasses.

'One for you.' He handed me a glass.

'Thank you.'

'So, what do you usually do at these things?' He asked casually slipping his free hand into mine.'

'Well, they all vary. This one however, I am here to promote myself really. This is kind of just like a get together with a bunch of people involved in the fashion industry.'


'Eh, not really. These get boring after a while. I usually just show up for the first forty minutes or so then leave.'

'How long are these?'

'They can range from two to three hours but this one is two.'

'That's great-.' Brandon started but was interrupted by a woman.

'Is it, Rudo?'

'Yes.' I smiled.

'Oh how lovely you could make it; I have heard about you recently.'

'Have you now?'

'Yes, I knew you were talented but I had no idea you were just as beautiful!'

'Thank you so much!'

'An you have such a handsome boyfriend.' She gestured to Brandon who immediately choked on his Champagne. Luckily none of it left his mouth.

'Alas, he is not my boyfriend. We are merely just close friends.'

'Well you to would make a wonderful couple. Anyways, here is my card. I would really love to work with you someday. See you around!' and with that she was gone.

 I read the card she gave me "Merida".

 A name I would remember.

'That's basically what I do at these.' I turned to Brandon. His face was still flushed from the earlier incident. 'Was even just thinking about being in a relationship with me that traumatic?' I started walking away from him.

'What? No, I would do anything to be with you.'

I turned around, 'What?'

'I mean.' He slapped his forehead, 'If, I was in a relationship with you, I would be the happiest man alive.'

'Thank you.'

'No problem-.'

'I think you should go B.'

'What?' he looked perplexed.

'I don't think you should stay here.'

'Wait was it something I said, 'cause you know I didn't mean it.'

'No. I just want you to go back home and talk with Charlotte.'

'She said she wanted me to come with you.'

'Go talk to her.'

He looked around. 'How are you going to get home.'

'I'll figure it out. I just can't stand the fact that you two aren't doing well.' I pause, there was something else, but I couldn't tell him, 'You need to go talk to her.'

Brandon nodded then hugged me. 'Thank you Ru.'

'No problem.'

Then he was running out of the ballroom. I looked around helplessly until a fashion designer walked up to me.

 I was almost done with spending forty minutes when I felt someone grab my shoulder I turned around quickly to see,




Ooo, does that classify as a cliffhanger? 

I said I wanted to do an extra chapter as a present on Christmas so here it is. Sorry it's up so late, I was doing other stuff during the day.

Idk why but this is one of my favorite chapters XD

Merry Christmas!!

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