Chapter 26

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Right there. 

Five steps away from my porch. 

I've ruined everything. I needed to get to him, to tell him that what he saw was not what he thought. Or was it? He covered the distance in two quick steps, aiming straight for Brandon. Brandon noticed this and ran into the house, locking the door behind him. I banged on the door,

"Brandon, what the fuck are you doing?" I yelled, "Open the door right now!"

Zion was fuming, staring at the door as if his eyes could burn it away. I thought they were going to. My focus turned onto him,

"Zion look at me. What you just saw was-."

"I know what I saw."

"No Zion, you don't. Listen to me, let me explain-."

"I don't want you to! Ok?"

"Zion." I brought my hand to his face. He hit it away and walked back out into the rain, making his way to the back door. I bit my lip.

"Brandon, if you want to live, open this fucking door right now!" I pounded.

The door opened and I fell through it, landing in his arms. I pushed him away, a little harder than I should have. I didn't care. The sound of the back door filled the house. Brandon tried sprinting to the front door but he was too slow,

"Brandon!" Zion's voice shook the walls. "Come here, you little piece of shit."

Brandon slowly turned around, his face completely still.

"Why the fuck would you do that?" Zion asked. Rage, pure rage pouring out of him. Rage, but also, pain. Pain and betrayal, mostly directed at me. I would rather be eaten by a whale than have to endure his gaze.

"I think she deserves better," Brandon said, running his hands through his wet hair. I remember just moments ago, my hands doing the same thing. I nearly smile.

Zion laughed. A cruel and frightening laugh, bringing me out of my daze.

"And you think you are better?"

Brandon shrugged, "A man can only try."

Zion made his way, painstakingly slow to Brandon. He took on his full height and looked down at Brandon. To my surprise, Brandon did not cower.

"I never want to see you again." Zion spat. He grabbed Brandon's shoulders and pinned him against the door.

"Zion!" I yelled. "Stop it!"

"Not now." He didn't even look in my direction.

"See? This shit, she doesn't deserve to go through it." Brandon waved his hands around.

"She's not yours, you dick. You better shut up and leave before I do something we'll both regret." Zion let go of Brandon, roughly.

"You're right. I'm not hers." Brandon smiled smugly, "Rudo." He called me, "Who are you with?"

Zion punched Brandon, square in the face, "She's with me." He growled.

"Brandon!" I yelled. He was splayed out on the floor, eyes closed.

"So what, you want to fuck him?" Zion yelled at me.

"Why did you do that?" I yelled at him.

"So you do like him?" He lowered his voice.

I ignored Zion and searched Brandon, a chipped tooth and maybe a broken nose. Holy shit

"Zion, you just punched your best friend."

"He's not my best friend. You were. We no longer are."

"Well that's fine with me, I don't want to be friends with dicks."

"You're really gonna pick him over me?"

I ignored him again and ran to fetch an ice pack. Brandon was beginning to wake up, I placed the ice pack on his nose.

"How do you feel?" I asked him.

"I'm fine, I'm fine." He winced. I walked him over to the couch and set him down. My hands covered my face and I spoke to Zion,

"This is-

"I love you." Zion cut me off.

Brandon scoffed in the background.

I hesitated.

"So what? This is it?" Zion asked. He shook his head, " You're gonna go for that?" He pointed to Brandon, who was still laying on the couch.

"Zion I love you" I walked towards him.

"Then why did you hesitate ?" He stepped away from me.

"I didn't-," I tried

"You can go ahead and kiss whoever the fuck you want. We're done."

"Zion can we please talk first, I can explain-."

"As I said, I don't want you to explain why you chose to be with me, only to leave me for my friend." He walked out of the house.

"Zion wait." I followed him into the rain, "Don't do this." I reached for his face, he let me touch it. I held his cheek and brought my other arm to the nape of his neck, stood on my tiptoes and put our foreheads together. "Don't leave me, Zion. I need you."

"I love you Rudo."

"Then don't leave." Tears threatened to leave my eyes. I kissed him, fiercely on the lips. Savouring the taste of him. The way his lips moved in sync with mine, as if they were dancing. I savoured the way he brought his hands around me, only to leave them firmly at my waist.

 Out of all our kisses, this seemed different, it felt like our last. Zion pulled away slowly as if it hurt him to do so. I was breathless.

"You still owe me a back-handspring." He produced a weak smile.

"Zion please, don't go," I begged. 

"I have to. Goodbye Rudo." He kissed the tip of my nose. Then he was gone and I was left standing in the rain. Zion got into his car and drove away, I watched it and I prayed for a strike of lightning to burn me into nothing.



Oh shit. Why am I tearing up a little bit? Why am I sad when I knew this was gon to happen XP! 

I hope you enjoyed this chapter, it was interesting for me to write. If you have any questions PM me and I will get back to you on them.

Thanks for reading <3

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