Chapter 7

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I was staring at Rudo again. I wondered to myself will she kiss me? I blinked and next thing I knew she had jumped in to the pool. She went under then kicked her way up to the surface. She was smiling that beautiful smile of hers as she called out to me.

'Jump in loser!' I hesitated for a moment.

'What are you too chicken!' she laughed. At that, I did a side flip in to the pool creating a huge splash. While I was still underwater I found Rudo and tickled her stomach. When I went up for a breath of air she used her hands to splash me with water. I returned with more splashes but then surrendered, and as walked towards Rudo I looked around noticed everybody was staring at us. 

I almost yelled at them, but I heard a whoop from behind me. It was Austin jumping into the pool. Soon after him, Brandon, Edwin then Nick. Charlotte took the stairs. After that other people jumped into the pool.

'Come here you headasses!' I yelled to my bandmates. I had my arm wrapped around Rudo's waist.

'Wow Rudo you've got some serious balls!' Nick shouted at Rudo. She smiled and faked a curtsey as she said,

'Why thank you.'

'She's a keeper.' Nick winked at me. Before I could answer he freestyled away to go play a game of water polo. I looked over at Rudo to find that she was also looking up at me.

'H-He was joking' I stuttered. She just smiled shyly, laughed, then joined the water polo game.


After playing water polo for an hour, Nick got out of the pool to serve up some food.

'You definitely cheated!' Edwin yelled at Zion.

'No, we're just really good players!' He yelled back, high fiving Austin. Austin smiled and they got out of the pool together.

'Rudo do you want some food?' Zion asked me.

'Thanks, but maybe later.' She said returning her attention back to Charlotte.

'Ok, so tell me.' She says looking at Zion. 'Spill.'

I failed to come up with any words, 'There's nothing.' I said with a sigh.

'Nothing?' Charlotte asked quirking an eyebrow.


'Oh yeah, so that little make out session in the kitchen was nothing?' she said with a smile.

At that very moment I wished the earth would somehow swallow me up. I stayed silent.

'How did you know about that?' I asked slightly embarrassed.

'Brandon told me, he could tell from the minute he walked into the kitchen. Now, stop hiding away from your feelings and get your ass into his bed!' She yelled as she splashed water into my face. I dropped my jaw before I splashed her back. Both of us in hysterics. In the end I won,

'Ok, ok.' she said raising her hands 'You win. Now go talk to him. For real this time.' Charlotte said as she looked at me. I looked up at the sky. It had gone from a light steel blue to a menacing grey.

'I think it's gonna rain.' I pointed out.

'We should probably get out of the pool then.' She said. We both walked out of the pool and went and searched for some food.

'Hey Nick.' I smiled as I walked up to him. He was working the grill.

'Hey Rudo.'

'Would you mind if I took a burger?'

'Did you do that on purpose?' He laughed.

'Do what?' I asked puzzled. He looked up from the grill and took in my questioned face.

'It's ok, don't worry.' He rushed.

'Ok?' he handed me my burger, 'Not to trouble you but do you have some more ketchup you seem to have run out.' I pointed at the empty bottle.

'There's probably some in the kitchen.'

'Thanks.' I said and made my way back into the house.


The house was quiet since they didn't allow the people from the pool party to enter. I made my way to the kitchen, found some ketchup, and put some on my burger. I debated whether or not I should eat it in here alone, with the silence. 

I decided against it, I was walking out of the kitchen when I bumped into Zion. He sent my plate flying but neither of us seemed to notice, we just stared into each other's eyes. Zion licked his lips, which caused me to bite my lower lip. 

I closed my eyes to realign my thoughts.

'Can I talk to you?' I asked him. He nodded and gestured to the couch. I didn't know where to start. There where so many things that I wanted to say but none of them made sense. I opened my mouth to say something but closed it when nothing came out.

'I like you.' Zion said rushed. 'Not some sixth grade shit' he said, I laughed at that. 'I like you a lot Rudo, and I just wanted to say that.' By this time, I was smiling so hard I thought my cheeks were gonna fall off.

'I like you too Zion.' What I said awoke the dimple in his cheek. He shook out his dreads, then put his elbow on the couch so it was right by my head. Then we talked. I never wanted to leave that moment. He was so close to me and I just wanted to take in all his features. We talked about random things and I got to find out more about Zion. We talked for so long I forgot I was at a party.

'Hey, so I guess I should be going.' I sighed after a couple hours, saddened by the thought of leaving him. His smile also dropped as he said,

'Yeah...I guess so.' I looked down at my feet then back up at him. A curl of mine leaving its place. He used his hand to tuck it behind my ear. Swiftly, he moved his hand to my cheek and began to lean in. 

We were so close we were practically sharing the same breath, right before our lips touched, a massive crack of thunder sounded outside. Causing me to fall off of the couch landing with a 'FUCK!'

I looked for Zion, only to see him on the floor as well, laughing his ass off. I hit him on the bicep playfully. He proceeded to hit back and like that we began a wrestling match. I am very sure he was using only a quarter of his strength on me but it was fun nonetheless.

 Somehow I ended up on top of him. My legs where straddled against his waist and I had his arms pinned above his head. We both stopped and did nothing. The sound of labored breaths filling the empty air.

'Go get a room you two!' Edwin yelled as he walked into the living room looking into his red solo cup. I quickly leapt off of Zion and stood up.


What was your favorite part?

Next chapter is going to be good, if you know what I mean... ;)

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