Chapter 19

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'What the fuck are you doing here?' I whisper yelled.

'Calm down.'

'Calm? How the fuck did you get in here, your name is not on the list!'

'I was someone's plus one, it doesn't matter. I got a hotel room so we could talk in private.'

'I am not going anywhere with you.'

'Shrimp?' The waiter walking by asked us.

'No thank you.' We said simultaneously.

'Rudo come on. I need to talk to you.'

'Why don't we do it here?'

'Because it's private.'

'What if I don't want to talk to you?'

'Rudo come on-.'

'Quiche?' Another waiter.

'No.' I said getting slightly annoyed.

'Rudo please. I need to tell you something.'

'I don't want to be with you right now.'

'Why? What did I do that was so bad?'

'I just don't trust you!'

We were both silent.

'Bruschetta, for the fine lady and her handsome man?' One more waiter.

'Stop trying to give me miniature foods!' Zion yelled at the waiter. I took this moment to walk out of the ballroom.

'Rudo!' Zion called after me. He grabbed my arm and spun me around so I was facing him. I looked up at him.

'Let me talk to you. Let me regain your trust. Please.'

I waited then nodded and he lead me to the hotel room he booked. The entire way neither of us talked. When Zion opened the door, my jaw fell to the floor, but I picked it up as quickly as it fell. The hotel room was exquisite. 

The way the soft carpet, covered the entire floor was like nothing I had ever seen. The bed and pillows were so soft it was as if they were made of nothing.

'How did you afford this?' I breathed out.

'Don't worry about that.' Zion said sitting himself onto the bed.

'So.' I said swinging my arms.

'What did I do?' Zion asked.

'Straight to the point. Wow. Ok.' I rambled. Zion smiled.

'Yeah, I don't have time for this beating around the bush shit.'

'You didn't call me back.' I sighed looking into his eyes. His smile dropped.

'I was going to.' He defended himself.

'Oh really?'

'Yes, if you had just given me more time-.'

'I gave you weeks Zion, and you didn't call or even leave a text message. I was going crazy thinking "did I do something wrong?" or "was he just trying to play me"?' I laughed to myself, 'I don't know why I'm telling you this but, I'm pretty sure I went mad thinking about you.'

'I'm sorry Rudo. Really sorry.'


'No Rudo listen, if I had known you were going to react this way, I would have called you. Especially if I had known what it was I felt for you.'

Enrapture - Zion KuwonuWhere stories live. Discover now