Chapter 9

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I woke up with the sun in my eyes. I looked around a realized I wasn't in my room. I began to panic. Not again... I thought to myself. Shit shit shit! Sweat started forming on my forehead and my breathing began to quicken.

'Rudo?' a voice called. I turned to it and slapped the source of the voice with all my force.


'FUCK!' I whisper yelled as I was sure the rest of the house was still asleep, 'Rudo what the actual fuck!' I looked at Rudo and saw she was going to try and hit me again. I caught her arm before she did. 'RUDO!' I yelled.

 I was looking into her eyes and it seemed like she wasn't there. Her eyes were glassy and they looked empty. 'Rudo, listen to me.' I said calmly, 'It's me, It's me babes, Charlotte. We met yesterday at a party.' She was still using her strength to try and free her hand from my grip, but I wasn't going to let go.

 'Listen to me Rudo, you need to fight whatever it is that's inside you, I'm your friend.' I was starting to lose my strength. 'Rudo, please.' I whispered. 

Her eyes began to clear up a little but she was still using her strength on me, 'We are at the PRETTYMUCH house, yesterday you were with Zion and-.' At the word Zion her eyes became clear again and she stopped pushing against me.

 She looked confused as she took in her surroundings. She saw me and looked up at her hand. Her hand moved to her mouth and she said,

'I'm so sorry Charlotte.' Tears started falling down her cheeks. 'I-I didn't mean for this to happen. You should go. Get away from me.'

I got up. 'Hey, hey, hey no. I'm going to stay here for as long as you need me.' I pulled her into a hug and I let her cry into shoulder.



A short little chapter!

I know it isn't my update day but I know I would feel bad giving you this short ass chapter on my actual update day so... here it is. 

I'll still update this coming Friday.

Enrapture - Zion KuwonuWhere stories live. Discover now