Chapter 10

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'We should go get something to eat.' Charlotte offered. I nodded wiping my nose. I hadn't let go of Charlotte in two hours. I put on my denim shorts then we both got up and headed downstairs. It was nearly eleven in the morning.

'Hey, good morning!' All the members of PRETTYMUCH said. I put on a forced smile and said, 'Good morning!' I saw Zion and walked over to him, he was eating a bowl of cereal. There were no more chairs so I just stood behind him. Zion looked at me,

'Good morning beautiful.' He smiled. Zion's smile was contagious.

'Good morning to you too.' I genuinely smiled.

'Here take my seat.' He said getting up. I shook my head. 'Sit down Rudo.' Defeated, I took his seat and he left, getting me some breakfast. 

I looked over at charlotte and she smiled at me, with her eyes she asked 'Are you ok?' I replied with a not too convincing thumbs up.

'Good morning Char.' Brandon said to Charlotte. Charlotte completely ignored him and continued eating her waffles, acting as if nothing happened. Everyone saw the encounter so I tried to change the subject.

'Who made the waffles?' I asked. It took a moment for people to look away from Charlotte but then Austin answered my question, 'Edwin did. He's kinda like the mom of our band.'

I laughed. Zion came back from the stove and put a plate of waffles in front of me. I had completely ignored the fact that I was starving. 

The last time I ate was when I had the burger, which I didn't even eat because it fell onto the floor. I devoured the waffles in five minutes and got an applause from everyone.

'You were really hungry, huh?' Nick asked. I just nodded into my shirt. Once I finished swallowing everything in my mouth I said,

'Those were really good waffles; you've got some talent Ed.' He turned to look at me from what he was doing and smiled.

'Anything for you mami.' He winked. We began talking about the events for the day and at some point I felt arms wrap around my waist. I flinched and stood up, turning around to see Zion wide eyed.

'Can I talk to you? Alone.' He asked me. I nodded and followed him out of the kitchen. 'Are you ok Rudo?' he asked when we were outside of the kitchen. I nodded. 'I'm gonna need more than a fucking nod from you. Was it something I did?' he asked one hand going up to twist his dreads.

'No, God no, you did nothing, I'm fine.' I rushed.

'You've been acting so jumpy this morning and sometimes it's like you aren't even here.'

'I'm fine Zion, ok?'

'Is it because of last night?' he questioned, his voice falling to a whisper. I was stunned. I grabbed his face in my hands and made him look at me.

'No.' I said, 'Last night was...amazing.' His eyes lit up.

'Ok.' He couldn't stop smiling, 'If it wasn't last night, what's going on?' He pushed. I broke our eye contact and moved my hands back to my sides. I opened my mouth then closed it again.

'Rudo tell me-.' Zion was cut off when my phone rang. I read the caller ID, Bethany,

'Shit, shit shit.' I said

'What's wrong?'

'I have to take this.' I said walking into the next room, which happened to be the small scale studio.

'Hello?' I picked up the phone.

'Ru, where the fuck are you?'

'I'm sleeping over at a friend's house.'

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