Chapter 27

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To be Enraptured.

Is to experience delight beyond measure.

That's what it was. I was enraptured by Zion. With him I was happy. It was delight beyond measure. What I felt with him was unreal, maybe that's why it all went south. What if I imagined everything we had, but that's impossible because I was happy, he was happy. Will I ever be happy again?

At this point, being alone seems to be the only sane option. It's the only thing I can do without fucking up. Everything seems to be falling apart. Why is it that once one thing goes wrong, you lose control of everything else. Was it crazy to think he was the one?

Was I so blinded?

Where did we go wrong? Where did I go wrong? What did I do that caused everything to unravel?

I caused all this destruction. Just me. People always say "Don't blame yourself," but I feel it in my heart, I ruined everything. How do you pinpoint when everything started going to shit? How do you get back up? Do you ever get back up? It seems pointless, everything that I did was pointless. If I did anything different it would have ended the same way.

All because I was enraptured by Zion's love.



That's the end...

I hope you didn't see that coming but I hope you enjoyed it. If you are wondering if I rushed this, no. I always wanted the book to end this way. If you would like me to write a sequel I will gladly do that but I need to be sure people would be interested in that kind of thing. 

I am working on other books so just keep a lookout.

Now to everyone that read this book, I love you so much! Thank you for sticking with me for the entire time. I never thought my book would reach above 1.5K reads but it has and I am so so so grateful. Thank you to anyone who gave me ideas and motivation to carry on writing this book. Once again, I love you all and thank you for reading my book.



 this is pmimfinnascream in the future... (april 5th 2020 to be exact)

I put out a sequel! If you've just finished this book and you aren't ready to let go of the characters don't worry!! I am currently writing a sequel and if you would like to join the journey...go check it out. It's called Entranced. I hope you love it as much as you loved this one (If you liked it).


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