Chapter 15

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I sat at my desk, rapidly typing. Since I had searched up Zion Kuwonu I couldn't stop thinking about him. 

He was an absolute masterpiece. His skin, his hair, his eyes and don't even get me started on his voice. I knew for a fact that he was not going to go to this party so I declined Rudo's offer.

 Instead I had other things planned. The only problem was; I might lose my best friend.


She was mad at me. I had come to that conclusions after I had had several outrages and meltdowns. I couldn't figure out why though. I spent days racking my brain, going through every single conversation we had.

 In my head, there was nothing I did wrong. I couldn't sleep, I couldn't write any verses, Brandon got really pissed, I just couldn't function properly without her. I had overheard that her and Charlotte were going to a party today.

 The thought of her going to a party, alone, made my blood boil. I was playing Fortnite to try and calm myself down but I hadn't even made it into the last five in any of the games. I wasn't focused at all.

'You good bro?' Nick asked me.

'Yeah.' I nodded to the T.v.

'She got you good. Right?'

'Yeah.' I reclined into the couch. I got killed. Again.

'What happened?'

I shrugged looking up at the ceiling, my hands under my head, 'I don't know.'

'Listen, when you were with her... It was like a whole different you. You seemed happier, or just more... content with life.'

'Yeah.' I closed my eyes, 'I miss her Nick.' My voice cracked.

He put a reassuring hand on my thigh.

'We miss her too dude.'

After that, there was silence.

'She made me feel right.' I sighed, 'She made me feel amazing. These past weeks made me realize, I don't want to be without her.'

'Wow. She got you real good huh?'

'I've never felt anything like this.' I shook my head. 'And I don't want to fuck it up, even though I probably already have.'

'So what are you going to do?' He asked.

'I don't really know. I just don't want to lose her.'

'You won't.'

I opened my eyes, 'How do you know that?'

Nick opened his eyes to say something but then we there was commotion at the door.

'I'm home!' Charlotte yelled from the front door.

Ready to tell her to shut up, I turned around.


I stood up.

'Hey Nick.' Rudo smiled at him. All I got was a wave.

Charlotte had gone off to say hi to Brandon.

'Oh no.' Nick said, in the most sarcastic way possible, 'I think I left the cake, that I was baking, in the oven, better go check.' He said almost robotically.' He stood up then left.

'Hey Rudo.' I said taking a step closer to her.

She smiled acknowledging me, then walked right past me, into the kitchen. Her scent played with my nostrils and made me feel hot. 

I sat on the couch again put my hands over my face and silently growled.

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