Chapter 16

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Walking past Zion and doing nothing was the hardest thing. 


 It took everything in me to not leap over and connect our lips, or even just hold his hand. After I passed him, I walked into the kitchen to find Brandon and Charlotte.

 It looked like they were fighting but when they saw me, they both immediately smiled.

'Hey, Rudo!' Brandon exclaimed, walking towards me.

'Hey B!' I said back, giving him a hug.

'Long time no see pretty girl.' He winked

'Yeah, I've been out and about.'

'We stan a working queen.' Charlotte added walking to the fridge.

'So what have you been up to Bee?' I moved my focus onto him.

'Oh you know, a few songs here and there.' He smiled.

'You have to play me one someday.' I challenged.

'Only if you sing with me.' A cocky smile took over his face. Nick walked in which gave me an excuse to change the subject.

'Nick.' I called.

'Yeah.' He smiled.

'Where is the cake?'

'Cake?' he asked confused.

'You said you had made a cake; can I have a slice?'

'I-.' he lifted his finger, then turned around walking out of the kitchen. Everyone exploded in their own fits of laughter.

 I walked up to Charlotte, who was at the fridge drinking juice straight from the carton, 'We should go get ready. Only an hour left!'

She swallowed what was in her mouth, used her shirtsleeve to wipe off the excess then said, 'We've got two hours. Why don't we wait a little?'

'It takes 40 min to get there, and that's without traffic.'

Her eyes popped out of their sockets. She grabbed my hand and we ran upstairs.

'Not in Zion's room please.' I said, the memories of what happened resurfaced, making my skin feel hot.

'Fine.' She pulled us into a room I hadn't been in before. The amount of jewelry was insane, and no doubt it was all real. 

There were jackets everywhere but it was surprisingly very neat. I was trying to pinpoint who's room it was but I couldn't figure it out. It could have been anyone's. That's when I saw it.

A reptile case.

'Fuck no!' I yelled and slowly backed out of the room. 'There is a fucking reptile in this room and I'm not here for it.'

'Rudo, come on you're being ridiculous.' Charlotte tried to reason with me. She looked in the case. 'They aren't even in her right now.'

I looked down onto the floor. I thought I was going to faint. I ran to the door only to bump into Edwin.

A snake wrapped around his neck.

'Not today!' I screamed.

Edwin shushed me, 'He doesn't like loud sounds.' He caressed the snakes tail.

I was like a fish out of water. 'I have to go.' I said so silently I didn't think he would hear it.

'No, don't go.' it was Edwin.

'There is a fucking snake wrapped around your neck, I have to leave.' My breathing had quickened.

'They won't harm you.' Edwin pleaded.

'Wait a second, they?' I paused, 'So there are plural?' I asked. Charlotte and Edwin shared a look. 'No, I have to go. Charlotte I'll pick you up before I leave.'

'Wait Rudo!' Edwin grabbed my arm and made me face him. Luckily there was no snake around his neck. My eyes fell to the floor, searching.

'I gave him to Charlotte so she could put him back in his case.'

A sigh of relief escaped me. Edwin realized he was still holding my forearm, he looked down and dropped it immediately. Instead, he ran his fingers through his curls.

'I wanted to say sorry.' The Hispanic boy looked down at the floor, 'I'm sorry you had to haul my drunk ass around town.'

I met eyes with him, 'It's ok, that's what friends do.'

'Yeah. Friends.' He seemed to emphasize the 'friends'.

'Ed, is there something you wanna tell me?' I asked.

'I-.' he rubbed his hands on his face. 'Remember when I told you I loved you?' He asked, and I nodded. 'I didn't mean it.'

When I heard the words, I felt something in me drop. It showed on my face.

'No, not in that way. I mean, I don't love you in a relationship way.'

I nodded my head.

'Rudo listen, I don't think you're getting it-.'

'No, no it's ok I get it. Like you said before, I hardly know you so how can I love you?' I said, my voice dripping with sarcasm.

'I love you Rudo.' He said. I paused for a moment.

'As a friend or in a relationship way?' I asked, crossing my arms. The Hispanic boy hesitated.

'As a friend.' He choked out.

'Ok, but how am I meant to know you mean it if you just throw it around?'

'Because-.' He stuttered.

'Yeah I didn't think you would have anything to say.' 

I walked back down to the kitchen.



I've been in a weird 'funk' right now so if my chapters are actual shit, don't @ me.

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