Chapter 20

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I awoke the the next morning, relatively early, due to the sliver of sun that the curtain let through. The room was coated with an orange hue that danced with the sparkles on the pillows, making rainbows appear on the ceilings. It was magical. 

I extended my arms in a morning stretch and a small yawn escaped my mouth. I turned my head. Holy shit! Asleep next to me was a shirtless Zion.

"What the fuck?" I whispered to myself. I lifted the blanket and saw that I was completely naked. Holy shit, Zion fucked me! I thought to myself, but I can't even remember. My entire face was flooded with embarrassment.

"Come on Rudo think, think, think!" I whispered. The memories of last night resurfaced and I smiled. We didn't fuck, I thought at least I don't think so. I remembered Zion giving me head and I can't remember if I fell asleep after that. Gosh I'm so lame. I decided to forget about it, instead, I took in the masterpiece that was next to me. 

He looked so peaceful lying on the mattress. His chestnut skin contrasted with the white bedsheets and the sunrise seemed to make his skin glow. He was like a man from my dreams, with his strong and defined face, his dark eyebrows that always seemed to be sloped downwards in a serious expression and his perfect plump lips ripe for kissing.

 I moved down and placed a small kiss on them, it was barely anything but it sent his eyes fluttering. I was met with a pair of deep earthy brown eyes.

"Hey babygirl." He groaned. His morning voice was husky and sounded like how it felt to drink whiskey.

"Hey." I smiled.

"You look beautiful."

"You don't look too bad yourself."

"Come here." Zion pulled me into an embrace. I put my face on his chest and just listened to the sound of his steady heartbeat. I sighed.

"What is it?"

"I never want this moment to end."

"Me neither." He smiled into my hair.



"Did we do it last night." My heart skipped a beat as I waited for an answer.

"Can you walk over there to get my phone?"

"Zion!" I slapped his chest.

"I need my phone."

"Are you serious right now?"

"Yes I am, now walk over there and get my phone."

"I'm naked and I can't find my dress."

"Here." He threw me his dress shirt. I put it on then walked over to the desk and brought back Zion's phone.

"We didn't fuck."

"Thank you for that." I replied dryly, "And how was your phone relevant?"

"If we fucked, you would not have been able to walk to that desk, and back." He smirked. Blood immediately rose to my face. I grabbed a pillow and proceeded to hit him with it.

"Rudo! Ah stop!" He laughed, "It's true though." He said louder, which made me hit him even harder. "Okay I surrender." He put his arms up. I ceased my pestering and sat onto his lap.

"But you know I only say facts."

"Zion-." I reached for the pillow but Zion was quicker. Swiftly he grabbed ahold of both of my wrists and pinned me down. He laid his lips onto mine. 

Enrapture - Zion KuwonuWhere stories live. Discover now