Chapter 24

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I closed my eyes and let the scorching hot water pour onto my face. It had been months since the incident, I hadn't seen or spoken to Charlotte since I last saw her. I was so jumpy, every time I heard a noise I thought it was Brandon coming to kick my ass.

 I sighed. What the fuck was I thinking. I had slept with my best friend's girl. I hadn't remembered what happened before the...Sex. I cast my mind back,


"Char? What's wrong?"

"Nothing." She wiped away the tears on her face.

"There's definitely something wrong."

She laughed, "Ed."

"Don't brush me off, what's wrong."

"It's nothing."

"If its 'nothing' then tell me."

"I just feel like; my life is empty."

"That's not 'nothing'" I knelt before her, "Char, your life is not empty. It's full. Full of people that care for you, look out for you and love you." I wiped away a tear with my thumb. Her skin felt cool and soft.

She smiled wearily, "Thank you Ed."


"I should go." She pointed at the door and stood up.

"You could stay here." I suggested.

"I should really go."


"I don't want to sleep in Brandon's room!"

"Who said you had to?" I whispered, trying to get her to lower her voice. She fell back onto the bed,

"Is it bad, that I don't feel the right feelings?"

"No one can tell you what to feel Char."

"What do you do when something feels so good but you know what you're feeling is wrong?" She asked me.

"Wrong?" I asked, "There is no right or wrong when it comes to feelings, you are allowed to feel whatever the fuck you want." I sat next to her. Charlotte placed her hands into mine.

"Ed." She whispered.

"Shh." I put my hand on the nape of her neck. She licked her lips, making them appear more red, contrasting with her fair skin.

"Edwin, we can't."

My eyes kept shifting between her lips and her eyes. Her eyes were like black orbs, pain and hurt sonstanly seeping from them.

"Don't hide your feelings, don't lie to me, don't lie to yourself." I whispered. Charlotte let out a whimper.

"Ed." She finally succumbed, voice full of lust and longing. Our lips crashed together, and I moved my hands down to her waist. I pushed her down onto the bed and climbed on top of her,

"You won't regret this." I growled into her ear.


The shower had now gotten too hot. I was beginning to sweat. I placed my head on the cool tiles and shut my eyes, allowing the slight headache to surpass. Turning the shower off, I wrapped a towel round my torso and, caught sight of myself in the mirror. I stared intensely at the reflection. 

I looked like a husk of the man I was before, my curls looked like the frayed edge of a blanket, my cheeks hollow and my eyes rimmed red. How could you? Who are you? I dropped my head into my hands and screamed. 

Enrapture - Zion KuwonuWhere stories live. Discover now