Chapter 2

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'Rudo!' My assistant Bethany called, pulling me out of my dream. 'I thought you said you would have the dress finished by now?' she asked. I stood up quickly trying to cover the mannequin.

'Who says it's not done?' I asked, trying to act nonchalant. She just gave me one of her iconic stares. I sighed then stepped away from the mannequin. Bethany shook her head as she took in my poor attempt of a dress.

'Why can't you just focus and make the dress?'

'I have a lot of things on my mind right now.' I replied. Not only was Bethany my assistant she had been my best friend since University.

'What happened last night?' She asked. My mind threw mental pictures of wine and Zion at me.

'Nothing.' I persisted, shutting my mind from any further pictures. 'I guess I'm just tired.' I sighed, which was partly true. The party last night ended at ten but I only got home at midnight and I fell asleep at five. Then, I had to be in the office to finish the dress by eight. I was running on less than two hours of sleep. 

'I think I'm just going to call it a day. I haven't been able to do anything to the dress all day.' I knew Bethany would be disappointed but she wouldn't show it.

'I'll lock the place up in an hour.' She said. I picked up my bag and sketchbook then was on my way. I went down to the parking lot, got into my car and made my way home. I remembered I needed some milk so I drove to a Walgreens instead. I was thinking about last night when I got into the cashier line.

The party was taking place in a hotel, after I said yes to Zion, he took me to the twentieth floor. I thought we were going to go into a room but instead he just took me to the very end of the hall way. The floor was carpeted so our steps were muffled. At the end of the hall, there was a large window overlooking the skyline of L.A. Zion sat down in front of the window and took the jacket of his suit off. I sat down and took my gold heels off and stared at the skyline.

'It's beautiful isn't it?' he asked me. I nodded. It was, all the tall buildings had lights on and the billboards were all bright. The cars looked like ants from the height we were at. I'm sure I looked like a five-year-old in front of candy, but Zion didn't say anything. We sat in silence for a while. It wasn't uncomfortable, it felt right. Like that moment needed to be silent.

'So what do you do?' he asked me.

'I'm a budding fashion designer.' I responded with a smile. I had stopped looking at the view and took in the sight of Zion instead.

'That's why you're here, at the party.' I nodded 'Shouldn't you be down there then, doing your job?' He asked. I shook my head and pulled my knees to my chest.

'I would rather be here.' I said 'with you.' I added. He met eyes with me then. I couldn't hold his fierce gaze for too long so I looked back out the window. I could still feel his hot eyes on my body. Why did I say that? I asked myself. It just came out. I told myself to control my words after that.

'What do you do?' I asked still looking out of the window.

'I do a lot' he said smiling

'Oh, have I caught a cocky one?' I smirked 'Please name them all, we've got time.' I said sarcastically. 

For the next hour and a half, he proceeded to tell me all the things he could do. I would respond with 'I don't believe you, prove it.' And he would.

'I can do a standing backflip' he once said

'Prove it.' I said. And he did.

'What else can you do? Other than sew.' he asked me after he had gotten tired.

'I can do a standing back-handspring'

'Prove it.' He said mimicking me

'I can't. I'm in a dress'

'You could take it off.' He smirked. I paused for a heartbeat before I said,

'And why would I do that?'

'To show me your back-handspring'

'That's all?' I challenged looking him dead in the eye.

'That's all.' He said. He broke our eye contact and looked over my entire body. With his eyes, he stripped me of all my clothing.

'Well too bad.' I said in a small voice.

'You'll have to show me another time then.' he said getting up. He took a look at his watch and said 'Shit! The parties ended, I was meant to meet my band mates.'

'Oh well then you should go.' I urged

'I'm not gonna leave you up here.' He looked at me baffled. 'Come on!' he grabbed my hand and we ran.


Once we got to the lobby, I was sure he would let go of my hand. He didn't. Just that one small connection to him made me feel alive. Like I had something to live for. I liked the sensation, I wanted to be able to feel it forever. I pushed that thought away as members of his band walked towards us. Zion let go of my hand to wave at them and my hand felt like ice without Zion's warmth.

 I stayed behind as he went forward and talked to his members. Occasionally, the would look back at me and when they did, I wished I had worn something less revealing. After five minutes they left and Zion came back to where I was standing. 'Let's go.' He said. I held back the urge to give my hand to him.

'Where exactly are we going?' I asked

'Anywhere you want to go.' 

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