Chapter 6

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'Yeah, um how did you know?

'It's a long story.' She holds out her hand 'Hello, I'm Charlotte.'

'Hi, well I mean everybody seems to know my name already.' I laugh

'I'm Brandon's girlfriend.'

'Oh, ok' I say as I look to the floor.

'So...?' Charlotte says as she drags me to the living room, 'What's going on with you and Zion?'

I feel blood rush to my cheeks, thank goodness I have dark skin.

'Nothing-g.' I stutter, 'Why would you think there is?' I ask.

She sits down on a couch and I join her.

'Look, obviously you two like each other.' She says, I choke on nothing. Charlotte pats my back as she continues, 'And you have some sort of action going on between you, I think you should go for it. Plus, you two would make an adorable couple.' She smiles. I can instantly tell I'm going to be great friends with Charlotte.

'I-I don't know.' I stutter.

'Girl, you need to get your facts straight. How long have you known him?'

'Only two days.' I catch her on that one, she seems taken aback.

'Wow well, let me tell you this. In my entire year of knowing Zion I have never seen him happy throughout the entire day, and he has been since some party he went to. Not because of the party, but because of you.'

I'm silent then. Charlotte smiles because she sees she has gotten to me. She is actually very beautiful, and when she smiles she shows two very prominent dimples on each cheek.

'I think you should go talk to him.' She says, 'And tell him your feelings about him, or just go on a date.' I nod at her and she smiles again. Then Brandon comes from behind her and wraps his arms around her putting his chin on her head.

'Hey Rudo.' He says. I again wonder how he already knows my name. 'Let's go.' He says to Charlotte. 'Rudo needs to meet up with someone.' He says with a wink. Charlotte smiles.

'I gotta go but if you ever need me I'm here for you.' Charlotte said behind her back.

They both get up and leave, heading back outside. I am left in shock.

I just sat on the couch left in shock. 'They're a cute couple aren't they?' I hear a voice behind me say. I turn around to find the Spanish looking boy staring at me. He makes his way to the couch, and sits down next to me. Reclining into the cushions. He smiles.

'Why aren't you outside, enjoying the party?' he asks me.

'I could ask you the same thing' I smile.

'Fair enough, it gets a little hot outside.'

'Hmm, pretty boy can't take the heat.' I smirk. He sits up so his face is right in front of mine.

'Oh baby.' he pauses, 'I love playing with fire.' He grins showing off his bottom golden grills. I laughed and he joined in as well.

'Hey Edwin!' Austin called from the kitchen.

'Coming Austin.' with that Edwin winked, got off the couch and made his way to the kitchen. I got up after him and tried to make my way back outside.


Once I was outside, I couldn't find Zion. However, I did spot Charlotte and she waved at me, calling me over. I walked to where she was by the side of the pool.

'Hey.' I said.

'So...' She said as she unwrapped Brandon's arm from her waist, 'How did it go?'

'I haven't seen him yet.' I told her.

'Well now's your chance.' She said as she pointed behind me. I turned around and saw Zion walking towards us. In the space of those five minutes, he had somehow gotten more beautiful. It was like kissing him gave way for the rest of his features to shine. He stopped where we were and it took all of my will power to not trace his jawline.

'Hey Rudo.' He whispered in my ear.

'Hey.' I whispered back.

'I'm gonna leave you two.' Charlotte giggled with a smile, and then a wink in my direction.

'You'll get used to her.' Zion said with a smile.

'I think I already have.'


'Why isn't anyone swimming?' I asked breaking the silence.

'I don't know.'

'Do people usually swim at your parties?'

'Now that you bring it up, no.' he smiled.

'Well that's fucking weird, it's called a pool party for a reason.'

'Whoa, whoa, whoa.' He said with his hands up, 'I didn't know you felt so strongly about this Rudo.' He chuckled.

'I mean, why come all the way, in a swimming costume mind you' I said pointing to my costume, Zion's eyes lingered on my chest. 'To only just stand, talk, and eat. Why not just call it a normal party?'

'Idon't know.' Zion was laughing now. That laugh. It gave me shudders. He stoppedlaughing after a while then just looked at me. I felt so hot under his gaze,but I couldn't bring myself to look away. I did the only thing I could thinkof. I jumped into the pool.    



My stupid computer decided to delete three chapters of mine so, now I have to rewrite them :( . I'm so mad. I'll still be uploading though. 

Also, today (18th Nov) is their last show, I didn't go to any 'cause I'm international so yeah... :(

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