Chapter 13

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The darkness was inviting. It was fun to open my eyes and see nothing. A never ending spiral of black so rich and dark.

 I should have been afraid. 

If I lifted my hand up and I would feel nothing but cool air in between my fingertips. The only sound was the hum of the air conditioning, but after an hour or two I turned it off because the sound was hurting my head. 

I didn't know how long I had been there for; I didn't want to. I knew the world wouldn't stop because of my problems. So instead I just stopped. Stopped listening, stopped trying and stopped caring.


There was light coming in through the blinds. Which only meant it was the next day. I went up to go close the blinds but even just that sliver of light sent my head throbbing and my limbs shaking. 

I decided against getting closer, and went to my kitchen. I drank an entire glass of water and held my stomach, to try and keep it in. Once I knew I wasn't going to throw up, I looked for my pills. Sleeping pills. 

I took four then made my way back into my room and put the covers over myself once again.

Three hours later I heard my front door open.

'Why the fuck is it so dark?' The voice said. I recognized it immediately. Rudo.

'Hello?' She called louder. I shrunk even more into my bed.

'Char? I just wanted to see if you were ok.'

I still didn't answer, careful as to not give away my spot.

'Fuck! Didn't see that table there.' She winces.

'Why is it so dark?' She asked out again. I hear a slapping sound on the wall, most likely looking for light switches.

'I guess she's not here.' She said to herself. Rudo sighed and walked to the front door. I made sure I could no longer hear the footsteps, then I let the tears fall.


Around four hours later the front door opened again. I thought it was Rudo again but this time the steps where more rushed and assured. 

I prepared myself for physical contact. I heard the lights in my hallway turn on and I just prayed to God he wouldn't turn on my bedroom ones.

 The footsteps came to a halt and I had assumed he had left but then the blanket on top of me was pulled off of me and I was face to face with my four eyed lover. He threw the blanket to the side and cupped my face in his hands.

'How? How did it happen, tell me I want to fix it!' He assured me. I just shook my head, tears forming in the corner of my eyes. I don't know if it was because I was biting my cheek a little too hard or because there were tears in his eyes as well.

'Charlotte I love you ok?' He asked me.

I nodded.

'I'm so sorry. Are you ok?' His eyes were still frantic, searching me.

'Answer me Char! Please?' His voice cracked on the last word.

'Yes.' I croaked out. My throat was dry and my tongue felt like sandpaper. Forming words made me feel sick. Especially for him.

'Yes what?' He asked.

'I'm ok.' I shuddered out. Not looking him in the eyes anymore.

'Char, I'm so sorry.'

I returned to shaking my head.

'Are you sure?'

I nodded my head. He pulled my lips to his and kissed me. The kiss made my stomach churn. I wasn't ready and I pulled away. Instead, he pulled me into a hug and soothed me by running his fingers through my hair.

'I love you.'

I nodded against his shoulder as I let each and every tear slowly make its way down his back.



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