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hello readers, this is i the author of this fanfiction.

for those who follow me and has been reading this fanfiction know how this fanfiction was written as a light and fun stories, it was all about memes and just cringy moments, this fan fiction was my first ever book i wrote on wattpad, and i appreciate how everyone loved it, some of you guys maybe hate it.

honestly when i wrote this book i didn't think that much for the plot i just go with it, that's why i changed the story line and finally come to a decision to change the title, this was originally a kim taehyung fanfiction but as i write and feel the plot it comes to my conclusion that the story should be titled differently and so i changed it from Wrong Number to Reputation, i think it fits the story better than before.

honestly reputation isn't just about Jimin or Taehyung, it's just based on how the internet can turn everyone against you in a split second and the main character of this story which is Min Ji has the power to do that on her platform.

i just want you guys to know Min Ji isn't perfect, she can be real annoying too sometimes, some of you guys will love her some of you guys will hate her, and that's fine i make her out to be a character that isn't perfect, i do want you guys to feel a slightly annoyed or even mad at her, she has her own mind.

as for Taehyung, you may love him and you may hate him in this story, again i don't make my characters to be likeable, in a way i want you to feel mad at them and sometimes even want to punch them in a face, because no one is perfect.

everyone in this story has a past to tell, Taehyung was one of those and so is Jimin.

the reason i changed the plot is maybe because I'm tired to read a fanfiction where as the girl main character always seem to be weak and in need of protection from the boys, so i make it the other way around, just how we ARMY always protect the boys in real life.

in a way, Min Ji kinda represent ARMY if you guys paying attention, she has the power on the internet to protect the one she cares about and if people cross her she can definitely turn everyone against them.

i guess that's all i can say about this book.
I'm so sorry for the inconvenience, i love you so much and sorry for the slow update lmao, I've been busy and the good news is i got promoted now and currently seeing someone (TMI I KNOW SORRY)

so I've been busy and a lot has going on in my life in a span of 3 months i went through a heart break, falling in love, doubting my self, feeling good about my self, doubting my self and finally get my shit together.

a lot of shit happened and i wish i can thank you guys enough for appreciating my book and following me.

i will try to write more

xoxo, your lovely author.

REPUTATION | PJM X OC (TO BE CONTINUED) Where stories live. Discover now