12 | twelve

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MONTHS HAVE PASSED, but Rosé had no news at all. She back again as before, vanished like she's been swollen by the earth.

Jungkook urge desire to go to Australia and pick her up is really in a high stake, but he doesn't know anything about her. Even he goes to the country, he still doesn't know where she lived, neither Jisoo nor Lisa knows where Rosé lived too. Jisoo didn't provide any information about Rosé because she herself did not inform her best friends.

When Rosè left them again; few weeks after, they released new units, Taehyung returns to acting a few weeks ago, Namjoon and Yoongi still produce music with other artists. Jimin takes an MC job, Jungkook and Hoseok often make random chores for their songs or help Namjoon and Yoongi, well basically both of them the jobless one but they keep productive in any way. Then there is Jin, who was in military service and sadly to say, they cannot appear as on top seven.

"Why don't you say it, when you still have time with her?" Jimin's voice broke Jungkook's thoughts.

Jimin takes a seat next to Jungkook, the mochi, doesn't have any schedule today nor Jungkook and they just had finished making a choreography together—or you can say, they just messing around.

"What are you talking about, hyung?" he asks weakly and he lay on the floor, worn out because of they overboard today.

Jimin long sighs and follows Jungkook lying on the floor staring at the ceiling, "Chaeyoung, I'm talking about your Rosé."

"What's with her?" He assumes something but decided doesn't care. Even the talks about the girl, Jungkook somehow getting tired of it, no matter how hard he tries to find her, it leads to a dead end.

"Why don't you say you love her the other day?"

The boys found Jungkook cried when they get inside the lounge the other day after Rosé got inside the airplane, it shatters their heart when seeing how much Rosé mean to Jungkook.

Jisoo can't help but kneel down and comfort the boy, even Jungkook asked Jisoo many times what's going on or at least tell him why she has to left him over and over again. Jisoo only can say sorry to the boys.

He gives up ever since maybe it is the best if he just giving up on her.

"Now you let her go, we can't find her and she's back to Australia, even Jisoo doesn't know where she is," clearly Jimin tries to serious-talk with the youngest.

Deep down, Jungkook can see that Jisoo and Lisa know what's going on but they cover it so well and no one finds out like the secret is their life and they depend on it. These girls know how to keep secret, and truly frustrate Jungkook.

"Why don't you fight harder, Jungkookie?"

Jungkook didn't answer the question. Maybe he will regret if he didn't fight harder, scratches that, he already does. Jungkook knows since she closed that damn lounge's door, it's too late. He should have fought harder for her, beg her on his knee to stay if he has to.

"I don't want to make you a big head but I know you since forever so I'm just going to say this." Jimin starts, he doesn't care if Jungkook didn't reply though, he needs to listen to Jimin at least.

"Chaeyoung is a clumsy girl, she easily forgets anything and we realized that since the first time she came to our dorm and that makes her clueless too."

Jimin gets up and sits cross-legged while staring closely at Jungkook's eyes, Jungkook only glances to him, "she so clueless because she doesn't see that the best thing that's ever happened to her is sitting here, right under her nose."

"Even though I'm the best thing happen to her, she still leaving me," Jungkook retorts, knot a bittersweet smile to his hyung, "we just keep missing each other, maybe we're just not meant to be."

Jimin snickers, "what nonsense, the problem is you." he points his index to Jungkook, "you're the one who is coward and can't say that means three words because of you afraid even if you say it, she won't stay. But Kookie, you never know until you try."

It was like a slap to Jungkook's face, he closed his eyes and brought his hand to close his face. A sudden tightening of his throat and a short intake of breath, tears escape his eyes and race down his cheeks, a small sniff escape from his lips.

"It's hurt hyung," he says after a while, still hide his face with his arm. Jimin just stays there looking how miserable his youngest member is, "knowing I'm not that important to her as I thought I was and she seems didn't care about me, It's fucking hurt but I love her so much."

"That's the stupidest words you ever said Jungkook." a raspy familiar voice interrupts, "if she fucking don't care about you; look what she made me do for you."

Jungkook opens his eyes slowly, props his body with his arms and look at the source of that familiar voice He blinks a few times then his vision becomes clear, his eyes enlarged when he sees the thing in Yoongi's arms.

The Sunflowers Bouquet, her signature.

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