27 | twenty-seven

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COUGH THAT SEEMS not gonna end soon wake Jungkook up in the middle of the night, it was Chaeyoung's cough echoing through his room right inside his embrace.

He jolts up and tries to wake Chaeyoung up, she's been cough inside her sleep for a few days now.

"Chae? Baby, wake up." Still cough and unbothered, Jungkook decided to turn on the light so he could see her. When the light on, his eyes grow wide as he sees a small blood-stained on Chaeyoung's pillow.


She snaps up immediately but regrets it after a brief. Her head hurts from the sudden move and Jungkook rushes back to her side.

Jungkook didn't mean to wake her up in that way but saw blood on the pillow terrified him. He takes tissues right on his nightstand and wipes off the stained from Chaeyoung's tip.

She coughs again, this time fresh blood spreads on the tissue. Chaeyoung blinks so do Jungkook, then she looks up to him with slightly concerned looks on her face.

"Jungkook... It's nothing really." She says in a dry throat, then gulp down. "We through this before right? I'm just tired that's all..."

It's true that they through something like this before, two days after Jisoo's wedding, four months after they got engagement, was the first time she been blood-cough like this.

The reason why she blood-cough that time was she tired from many things happened those days. The doctor even said she can't be that tired, her stamina is not much these days either. She rather stays on Jungkook's bed, living room or studio with Jungkook since he working on with his song. Sometimes gathers with Taehyung and Jimin.

But that's it, she doing nothing for a few months.

"Jungkook can I have some water and my medicine, please?" she asks after a while, trying so hard to look okay when Jungkook only see her pale face say otherwise.

He nods and out from the room with an unreadable face. Last time she coughed, never been this constant, is she gonna be alright?

Few weeks after Chaeyoung decided to take her therapy in Seoul instead, Jungkook is the first one who bought an apartment and out from the dorm so he could stay beside Chaeyoung, taking care of her and living under the same roof with her.

The boys respected with the decision and thought Jungkook really matured up to care this much for the girl.

He about to open the bedroom door after getting a water and stay a little bit longer in the kitchen because he knows, Chaeyoung probably gonna make a phone call with her sister.

But unfortunately, he didn't give much time when he heard the girl talk inside the room, faint but he still can hear it.

"...It will my tenth chemo, Alice. You know what will happen in this stage, I..." she sniffs and Jungkook can't move a muscle, "I can't say it to Jungkook... My cough getting bad these days, my hairs falls drastic too, I can't taste anything on my tongue... Alice, it's spreading..."

Tears down on his cheeks, it's not because he hurt or something but he knows that too. He already knows this going to happen soon or later and he is terrified, both of them.

She never hide it from him though; hairs fall, pretend she can taste the food, double up her medicine. It's all started on her ninth chemo, the day when she can't feel her legs for hours and since she blood-cough this day, it will be her tenth.

The doctor already warned them if odds thing happens to her, she needs immediately taken care by the doctor.

"Alice, I don't think I'm afraid anymore..." he heard her crack voice from behind the door, there is a silence before she says something Jungkook probably never want to admit.

"I'm not afraid to die anymore."

His heart stops beating for a second when heard it and stormed in the room and lock his eyes with Chaeyoung, the girl ended the call in milliseconds without saying goodbye to her sister.

She opens her mouth and closes again, stained on her cheeks and dark circle under her eyes.

"Are you..." She doesn't need to finish her words because Jungkook's watery eyes answer it. "Jungkook..."

He didn't say a word, instead, he put down the glass on the nightstand, right beside her medicine and pull her to a hug and she hugs him back. Let each other assurance that everything will be alright.

Jungkook put a soft kiss on her lips and as always, it's delicate. If the only kiss can transfer the disease, maybe he already does it in the first place and let him suffer not her.

From day one, Chaeyoung strong enough, she endures it so much and she's the one who actually becomes their anchor, not Jungkook.

So this time, let him, let him be the stronger one to protect her at least until they've both put up their best fight.

"Till end right?" he reassures, after pulling the kiss and rests his forehead to hers. Cupping her face to his palm, she leans on his touch and nods slowly.

That is enough.

They'll be fine and they will find away. They always have been.


Next morning Jungkook leave Chaeyoung behind at their apartment and go to BTS dorm that becomes their basecamp, everyone else decided to have their own place too—living with the love of their life and little bit privacy for each other.

Jungkook can't lie that he still scared for Chaeyoung since last night, fuck, he couldn't sleep. But he needs to be strong.

Everyone already inside the dorm when Jungkook arrived including Jennie, Lisa, and Jisoo. They give the maknae a big hug as if they aren't meet two days ago at the studio.

"I have something to tell you guys," Jungkook starts, getting everyone attention as the youngest looks nervous, "it's about Chae..."

Silence, nobody dares to say a word and Jungkook decided to continue, "she's getting worst these days, double up her medicine and hairs fall."

His heart feels tighter as he told his hyungs and noonas how much he afraid of this, everyone know what they've been signed up since the promise thing between them and Chaeyoung.

It's devastating, however, this is the moment where they need to be there for her. So Jungkook has a plan, one he wants to do it and two it's the only way to make her become his till the end.

"So, what's now?"

"I have something in my mind though," he stops in midway then nod to himself, that can wait for a moment, "but first, she needs to through her tenth chemo tomorrow."

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