Hey All!

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You've probably seen enough notifications from me saying I'm making a new story or I'll be updating a specific story regularly, but hey I've finally pulled together enough loose threads to think of the next plot to a Sequel to Smosh Squad Cabin of Torture!!
Bear with me, that story was the first smosh fanfic I wrote, and that was two years ago.
Two years!
I'd like to think I've grown from that, but who's to say. You tell me!
Catch up with me soon enough, I don't know precisely when I'll post it, but when it's out there I'll post another announcement!
In other news! I've joined the smoshcommunity Ship Wars! I've entered with Courtivia because if you've seen my works you'll know they're my favourites! Catch my entries (assuming I get past the next few rounds) over in my story that goes by Courtivia Ship Wars!
I would also like to thank them for making THIS gorgeous trailer for the story!
If you haven't read SSCOT already, or would love to reintroduce yourself to the story go ahead but honestly, I cringe looking back over it and if you do too I don't blame you, lol.
For the sequel, you do not have to have read the first boyok! It'll be summarized enough to make sense, but hey! Since you're here, read on! Don't say I didn't warn you.

Two years!

The Smosh Squad Cabin Of TortureWhere stories live. Discover now