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after the assembly that the whole school was forced to go to, seungmin's jaw is hanging down as he walks out of the auditorium with felix.

"obviously this has to be some joke." seungmin says with attitude, he crosses his arms and pouts. his best friend felix stands next to him, shaking his head.

"no, it seems pretty legit.." felix then smiles, "that was legitness.."

seungmin smacks the back of his head, "no time for your weird vines or memes! I thought this assembly was being held for something important. a dorm system isn't anything dire!"

felix shrugs, "I think it's cool! maybe we'll be paired together. let's cross our fingers."

"but we're having a dorm system to where we can't choose who we're being paired with. this is sick! what if someone gets paired with their bully or something." seungmin boldly states, his lips form into a frown. "I'm not excited. I bet that's the big ass building that has been in progress for how many years!"

"calm your tits, I still think this is cool. just think positive!"

"guess what, you're thinking positively I'm thinking negatively and a positive number times a negative is always negative."

"you don't make sense sometimes. speak my language."

seungmin then replies shortly with, "your language is thinking queef is a cool word while saying 'I'm sent' when something doesn't go your way."

"because 'I'm sent' is rad!"

"no it's not. it's ridiculous and this is why you're in the basic leveled English class rather than the college leveled one which all sophomores should be taking."

"key word. should. should and required are two different words my friend!" felix then slaps seungmin's back, "but please lighten up. we get our roommates after school today and have the whole week off to pack up. isn't it great! I pack fast and I don't have much to do so maybe we can go out."

seungmin nods, "you're right..but what if were not paired together..you know how I feel about us being separated."

"awe." felix says with softness in his voice, "I promise nobody will steal me away from you if we aren't paired together! you're my best friend."

"what if I'm paired with a mere stranger. that's scary!"

"I bet you won't." felix reassures, "I was actually listening to the speaker rather than paying attention to your whining. they specifically said we'd be paired up with kids in our class. such as sophomores with sophomores and so on. but.." as felix tries to clear up everything, he thinks a bit more. which makes seungmin worried.


"there were some cases were freshman were paired with seniors. or sophomores paired up with juniors. I think it's nothing to worry about, there are a gazillion students in our school, there's no way we'd get paired up with a lower class men or an upperclassmen."

seungmin sighs, it's even harsher this time. "I just realized we have to live away from our parents now."

"it might seem like a bad thing, but as we grow older we have to learn to be more independent. it sucks growing up, but hey we have each other at least."

seungmin smiles, "that was really cheesy. and soft, where's my memey felix?."

felix scratches the back of his neck, smiling. "I guess I got reprogrammed, let me just fix myself hold up. felix.exe is going—"

"okay now stop, you're overdoing it."

"hey I was just getting started!"

"nope, stop. just stop."

this is just the small
intro! so woot, I'm still
thinking if I should continue
and do the series as I said

DORM 922 | seungjinWhere stories live. Discover now