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[might as well get minsung in here *dab*]

as minho's ears are filled with the irritating noise of jisung's phone ringing. he can't help but lift his head up from his pillow, annoyed majorly from the noise. trying to reach over the younger that is sleeping beside him he tries to grab the device from their bed side table, he can't reach. simply giving up as his head falls down, he nudges jisung with his shoulder, trying to wake up little sleeping beauty. "hey..." his groggy voice says, "wake up, someone's calling you..."

jisung lets out a whine, he shakes his head and pulls his blankets over his head. replying with a soft, tired "no."

minho rolls his eyes, lifting himself one again he doesn't care if he crushes the boy beside him. the phone had stopped ringing but started ringing once again, he reaches over and finally grabs it. yet his body is hovering over the smaller boy, minho being the 'asshole' he was, allows himself to fall right on him. jisung lets out a loud groan from the sudden pain, he's squirming as minho is letting out evil chuckles.

"g—get off!" as jisung tries to catch his breath, the older was quite heavy and it also was too early for his bullshit. "get your fat ass off!" he yells once more.

minho doesn't budge and answers the phone, he puts the speaker on and greets with a cute, "hello~" while jisung struggles.

I'm trying to tell you some important news but you aren't answering!

"minho's on the line right now, I'll pass the message sweetie." the boy then explains, he can hear hyunjin's sigh from the end of the line.

seungmin and I are finally together.

"what!" as jisung's eyes widen, now he's really trying to break free from minho's torture. but minho is relaxed, staring up at the ceiling listening to the news.

I know, great news right? but can I talk to jisung?

"he's sleeping."

"I am not!" the squirrel boy yells trying to grab his attention.

god, you guys are weird. I'll see you later or something, bye.

then the phone call ends, minho places his phone back on the table and finally releases jisung from the heavy weight. "you're so mean! you could have killed me!"

"but I didn't." minho sits up, back pressed against the wall. he smirks, "should've picked up the phone then."

"I would have if you gave me some time."

"which would have been hours from now." as minho states, jisung rolls his eyes and sighs.

"you act as if you know everything about me..." the younger mumbles, shaking away his messy hair as he lifts himself from the bed. he crawls next to minho and leans on him. "you're such a smartass."

"I am your boyfriend, you should stop being so mean to me."

jisung stiffens, the boy wasn't wrong. the love-hate relationship has blossomed into something beyond from what jisung had expected. hyunijn might have caught on, but there was no direct claim that they were together brought to the boy. "sorry.."

"it's fine." minho ruffles the boy's hair and smiles, he pushes back his messy hair and kisses his forehead. "we're both still growing and learning. don't be so hard on yourself."


minho then smiles, springing from the bed and onto the cold hard wood floor. he faces the boy who is still sitting on the shared bed, extracting his hand for him to take. he tilts his head slightly, chuckling, "come on, let's go out and eat baby. I know you're hungry."

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