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seungmin sits on hyunjin's bed, knees to his chest as his palms cover his face. hyunjin was now currently in the shower. but seungmin had texted felix about the news and he was sure that hyunijn had made a phone call to jisung while he was in the restroom. but he was still shocked by the reality, that hyunjin and him were now,


he was happy, of course he was. why wouldn't he be? but relationships were something he wasn't familiar with and he hoped hyunjin would help him out with this transition. although there shouldn't be any worries, he feels as if his negative thoughts simply sank into him and now he can't reel them back up. he felt like a mess but didn't want to bother his boyfriend. but as seungmin hears the bathroom door unlock and footsteps coming out. he takes a glance to see hyunijn drying his hair with a towel. the boy gives him a lovely smile, greeting him from the time he was away. "hey, you look red? are you hungry or something?"

seungmin shakes his head, "no..just worked up and trying to process that we're now officially together."

hyunjin chuckles, "I won't lie, I was squealing like an idiot while I was in the shower."

the younger lets out a small laugh from imagining the scene, but it slowly fades away. hyunjin notices the small change and throws his towel on his bed, walking on over to his boyfriend he sits down next to him to comfort. "what's wrong?"

seungmin shrugs, afraid that he'll say to much to where it'll ruin things. "it's just..."

"just what?"

"it's unreal to see you and I finally together, as if this is just a dream that will come to its end soon..."

"you're saying?"

seungmin shakes his head, guilty of saying these words. "I'm scared. I don't have relationship experience and I don't want to be a disappointment to you because I'm not what you had expected."

hyunjin's mouth slightly opens, shocked by his words. he turns his body to seungmin, locking eyes with him. "seungmin, you're everything I've ever wanted."

seungmin felt a huge pang in his chest, maybe because of the cheesy comment or amount of guilt he felt when hearing the boy's soft voice. he felt so defeated when hearing hyunjin's reassurance, but he didn't mind. because he'd be needing a lot of it, "hyunjin..."

"I mean it." hyunijn firmly tells, seungmin could feel the truthfulness dripping from his voice. the kind words and honey sweet love emotions, "you and I will be in this together, we're now a couple and I want you to be comfortable. I also want you to know that I love you a lot."

"hyunjin~!" seungmin whines, covering his face from the soft words. "my heart can't take this!"

"but it's the truth." as hyunjin laughs, "I know you're the one and if you ever feel unsure or unloved at some point in this relationship then we'll figure it out together. I want us to maintain a healthy relationship."

"you promise? you promise that you'll help me?"

"you don't even have to ask, because I definitely will."

seungmin uncovers his face and tackles the boy with a giant bear hug. they both end up falling back onto the bed, laughing their worries away. hyunjin who's enjoying the moment, seungmin crinkles his nose, teasing the boy. "you still stink, you sure you showered?"

"seungmin!" hyunjin says offended, mouth wide open, "you're so mean! you love the smell of my hoodies."


"you're caught guilty babe."

"hyunjin please! I'm gonna have a heart attack sooner or later."

"that's so sad, alexa play heart attack by demi lovato."

seungmin sighs, groaning from his words. "felix is influencing you and if you say something like that once again I'm never kissing you ever."

"okay! okay!" hyunjin gives in, "I'll stop..."

seungmin smiles, finally as they're quiet. he hears hyunjin mumble a few words, catching on. his eyes widen from the amount of vines being recited. "hyunjin I'm gonna kill you!"

"babe please, it's not that serious!"

as the bickering continues, jisung and felix stand outside the door waiting for it to end. wanting to enter at the right moment, the two decide not to since they'd ruin their alone time. but they look at the plaque that bolds the number nine hundred twenty-two. felix chuckles, he and jisung were the playful duo, but when it came to love, things were obvious for these two.

behind this door held the silly moments and heartfelt emotions, the blossoming love between two boys who'd never thought they'd need each other in their lives.

dorm nine hundred twenty-two had simply brought love.

MARCH 13, 2019

and it's over ): this book held
so many soft moments and weird
stuff I can say, but I'm happy by how
it turned out! I decided not to make
this a series because it's way
too hard to try and fixate the time
frames and try to remember what
happened with the ships so yeah!
also sorry for the little amount
of jeongchan+ woochan, there were not many
moments to where I could include
them ): but I really hope you
guys enjoyed this story! I hope
you've enjoyed my other works
and it's been a long
ride ❤️ thank you all
so much, I love you

this is the end of

dorm 922.

DORM 922 | seungjinWhere stories live. Discover now