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seungmin stares at him blankly, "what?"

"haha! wow hyunjin that was like mature content to the max, obviously I should've just bleeped all those words out." hyunjin runs his fingers through his hair anxiously, looking around the room to avoid eye contact from seungmin. "like, you're not straight, wait gay! wait no, of course I shouldn't even assume, like that's just the definition of rude. oh god, I'm a mess."


seungmin watches as the boy turns his slowly, cheeks flushed, painted with a light rose color. his lips red from the boy nervously biting them, he watched as his hands shook slightly. hyunjin answers softly, "yes?.."


the boy's lips then quiver, hyunjin shoots up from his seat, "of course I'm not! I'm literally going crazy! where's minsung, bye!"

seungmin who shouts, he watches as hyunjin leaves in his pajamas and even barefoot. he had the urge to chase him, yet he holds back. "alright then..."

hyunjin who is rushing down the hall pounds his fist onto jisung's and minho's door. yelling, "open up!" hearing their television on, he pounds even louder. "you whores I know you're in there!"

grabbing onto the door handle, he twists it aggressively to where he falls in. catching himself, he makes eye contact with both minho and jisung. "you guys are making out! did you not hear my yelling! it's dire!"

jisung who's in minho's lap, gives him a 'disgusted' look. "n—no! I was about to just gauge his eyeballs out! I put the TV on so nobody would hear his screams!" but hyunjin's attention goes over to minho who shakes his head, mouthing, 'he was moaning.' jisung then pushes the boy slightly and crawls out from his lap. dusting himself off, he crosses his arms. "a—anyways!"

"you two are useless!"

"I am not!" jisung defends, "what do you need. bet it's seungmin, what did you do now!"

"I literally said something so inappropriate like, god won't let me enter heaven." hyunjin exaggerates, minho snorts.

"what? you wanna take his virginity or something?" minho questions with a smirk, an eyebrow raises as well.

"NO!" hyunjin screams, "oh my god you're disgusting! god, I just said I'd hold his hand and give him the best hugs! who do you think I am!"

"hwang hyunjin?" jisung answers playfully.

"NO SHIT!" hyunjin falls onto the ground and whines, "I hate both of you. felix won't help and I don't even know changbin well."

"why don't you go to chan?" jisung questions, "chan's always helpful."

"he's far though.." hyunjin once again whines, "just say something to make me feel better."

minho then whispers, "something.."

"that's it! I'm going kill you!" hyunjin springs from the floor and tries to tackle the bed that minho was sitting on. jisung who holds him back calms the boy down.

"woah! you're not gonna kill him because I'm gonna be the one to do that!" jisung states clearly, "calm yourself!"

"we both know you don't have the guts to kill me baby boy." as minho winks towards the squirrel boy, jisung rolls his eyes.

"so, you gonna clap back or—?" hyunjin quietly questions, shortly he gasps. "so it's true, you guys are a thing."'

jisung lets go of hyunjin to where he drops onto the floor, "I'm not gonna disagree or agree."

"wow, lee minho's impact." hyunjin mutters on the floor as he stares up at the ceiling. "can I crash here? I can't face seungmin."

"I'm fine with that, it's another excuse for me to cuddle with jisung."

"excuse me?!" jisung's mouth then forms into a frown, "what if I wanna cuddle with hyunjin!"

"well what if I don't want you too." minho shoots back, hyunjin sighs hearing the two boys bicker.

"you're not my boyfriend, you can't control me!"

"the hickeys on you say otherwise." minho then shrugs, "I guess I'll sleep alone. cold and lonely. nobody can play with your hair, kiss your forehead and tonight I even thought of serenading you."

"b—bitch." jisung's jaw then drops, "shut up! I'm sleeping next to hyunijn tonight!"

"shut the fuck up jisung and sleep with minho. I am not trying to be used as a body pillow." hyunjin spits out, "you two are gross, just date."

"what if we already are?" minho teases.



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