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"you confessed to him? but he didn't..return it back?" minho questions softly, his legs crossed on the bed, hunched over as he speaks to hyunjin. "I'm sorry.."

"you can definitely word it like that. simply it's because he has no answer I believe. it's understandable, we all have our own things on our mind. so him not returning feelings isn't a surprise." hyunjin tells, squishing his cheeks together as he speaks. "maybe he's not relationship ready.."

"what he tell you exactly?"

"well, whenever told or asked something. he'd usually spit out the first thing that comes to mind. he doesn't critically think, he just impulsively says." hyunjin explains, minho's mouth draws into an 'o' form.

"like jisung, he always says he wants to kill me and hates me with his guts."

"that's just jisung." the younger says with a laugh, "he's stubborn, but we all know what his heart wants."

minho shrugs, "well where is he now?"

"I believe he went to go visit some other friends. not felix though, a couple dorms farther." hyunjin pouts, "I bet he's doing the same, ranting about this problem. not knowing what to do to handle it..."


"woojin!" seungmin whines, jumping up and down at the older, "please this is serious!"

woojin who's sitting on his bed, gets up. he stands firmly, crossed his arms at the boy and lifts an eyebrow. "seungmin, I don't understand what is so dire for you to come here and barge on my door. I'm having some major issues myself."

"if it's about chan I'm sorry you didn't get roomed with him!" seungmin states, pouting. "but my roommate likes me! romantically!"

woojin's eyes widen, "it's not felix then?"

"what?" seungmin questions, "he's my best friend get with the program!"

seungmin walks on over to sit on his bed. kicking his shoes off, he scoots to where his back hits the wall. "I just don't know what to do.."

"well firstly, set your feelings straight."

"what if I don't even know what I'm feeling! I think satan took my soul months ago so this can't work out."

woojin lets out an irritated groan, "seungmin, you'll get no where if you don't know what to do."

"but that's the thing! I don't know what to do so that's why I came here!" seungmin explains, woojin was like an older brother to him. he always had a solution to his problems so going to him was the best option. although he was floors down, seungmin took his time of day to go visit him. "I really don't know..."

"well, what's happened between you two while living together?"

"the first night..we cuddled. actually no I slipped into his bed. we've gone out for coffee..went on a double date with felix and changbin I could say. uh..h—he kissed me."

"he kissed you!" woojin yells in shock, "he kissed you and you didn't see the signs!"

"I'm not worried about those things okay! now I feel horrible and I don't know what to do!"

"first things first, do you like him?"

"if I liked him I would have told him..."

"so you have no interest in him." woojin states, trying to connect the pieces. "min, don't play with people's hearts. that's the last thing you wanna do."


"usually I'd have something to say to you, but this time I don't. it's a matter of you figuring out your own feelings. and you should act quick."

"why do you say that?"

woojin sighs after hearing the hopeless boy's response, "seungmin, if you don't return feelings for him he'll just move on. watch, one day you'll be receiving no cuddles or kisses, he'll be giving them to someone else."

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