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the next morning, seungmin's eyes flutter open as the sunlight from their window hits his face. a cheek of his is pressed against hyunjin's chest, a wet pool of drool has leaked into hyunjin's shirt, but the boy is still fast asleep. seungmin groans, lifting his head and changing his positing. he wraps his arms around hyunjin's chest and tries to fall back asleep, minutes later he feels a hand press against his back. which pushes him closer towards hyunjin. 

he can't help but crack a small smile, the warmth yet sunny morning made his day start off quite well. also, in addition to that, hyunjin had came back which was good. seungmin probably would've flooded their dorm with tears if he didn't.

hyunjin slowly opens his eyes, after feeling seungmin move many times within his sleep. he decided it was now the right time to wake himself up fully. "seungmin.." he says softly, he lifts his head up and looks at the boy. "you awake?"

seungmin lets out a small, 'hmm.', "I'm awake.."

hyunjin lets his head fall back down, looking up at the ceiling. he lets out a yawn and rubs his eyes while doing so. "did you sleep well?"

seungmin nods, "yeah..because you came back."

"I'm sorry I left."

"it's okay jinnie.."

hyunjin pushes himself up, fixing his messy morning hair, he sits on the bed. "no it's not seungmin. I left you here for hours and I didn't even know that you were bawling your eyes out. although you say it's okay, I still feel guilty. I'm so sorry for leaving you, I won't do it again."

the brunette boy then sits up as well, he crawls into hyunjin's lap and forms his body small so he can fit. "it's okay jinnie..I'm just a cry baby..I should be the one saying sorry. I'm the reason why you left, right?"

hyunjin slowly lifts his hand to play with the boy's hair. "it's complicated."

"do you hate me?" seungmin questions, his lip slowly quivers. "felix was telling me some things, it's because of me huh?"


"it's okay if you do..I mean. actually no it's not. can I fix it? am I being oblivious? I've been told that I don't like accepting my feelings." seungmin explains, "felix asked me if I liked you. romantically I'm guessing. but I didn't really know what to say so I somewhat just..you know ignored my feelings and denied everything. did you know? when being put on spot, sometimes your mind just goes blank and you stop thinking about all the possibilities and different viewpoints, so I somewhat say the first thing that comes to mind when asked something.."

hyunijn stays silent, listening to the boy's soothing voice. "jinnie?..." he whispers, his name being said in the form of a question. "do you like me?"

the boy gives a defeated smile, he rests his chin on seungmin's head. finally spiting out the awaiting truth. "yes, I do like you kim seungmin. romantically to be exact."

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