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seungmin and hyunjin hadn't spoken in days, maybe due to the awkwardness between them. hyunjin though would ask him daily if he was doing well, seungmin would reply with a small, 'yeah.' so once the weekend comes, hyunjin decides to visit chan. they hadn't seen each other in a while and hyunjin believed it would be nice to have a little chat with him.

so once he arrives at chan's dorm, he knocks on the door three times. waiting a couple seconds, the door opens slowly. hyunjin doesn't understand why he was hesitant, so he pushes it open slightly. yet a small squeak is heard. "chan?"

"cha—channie isn't here..." the voice says, "channie told me no strangers are allowed inside..."

hyunjin peeks his head in, seeing the boy who is pressed against the door. it's his freshman roommate. chan never really talked about him, so this was his first time seeing him. "oh, hi. I'm one of chan's friends."

the younger still didn't believe him, "tell me something about channie.."

"he's hot?"

the boy's cheeks then become flushed, "t—that's.." he tried to speak, thinking about the boy he covers his face. "okay come in..." defeated from the fact.

hyunjin comes inside, the atmosphere was awkward between him and the unnamed boy. so he takes off his shoes and hops onto chan's bed. "so you are—?"

"I'm jeongin." he finally says, closing the door right after. "I'm a first year."

"I know, I just never caught your name. but I'm hyunjin, do you know when chan is coming back?"

jeongin taps his chin, "he went to go get us some drinks..so I'm unsure. did you need something from him?"

"not something such as in an item. but more of advice."

"oh!" the younger boy then hops onto his own bed. jumping up then down slightly. "I'm really good at giving advice! such as if you're having a hard time deciding what ice cream you should get, just get both or all!"

hyunjin smiles, "well my problem isn't about ice cream. it's a boy problem."

"oh, boys?" jeongin questions, hyunjin nods. "boys are complicated."

"I guess you can say that." hyunjin's smile is still on his face, "you think you can help me with my problem?"

"maybe, my problem solving skills are not high leveled but I'll try!"

"okay, it's quite simple. I confessed to this boy but he doesn't really have an answer for how he feels." hyunjin states, jeongin nods his head after hearing his words. "it's now awkward between us and I really don't know what to do. like? should I confront him and tell him it's okay for us to talk? or don't feel awkward? but wouldn't that make it more awkward?"

"well obviously I don't know the relationship between you two." jeongin flat out tells, "were you guys close before?"

"you can say that."

"maybe he's a shy uwu boy." as jeongin squishes his cheeks, "like, he's not good at expressing his feelings yet needs a lot of attention."

"but what if everything just takes time you know? he's figuring out what he feels towards me and what if it isn't his personality that's getting in the way."

jeongin shrugs, "well then I'm unsure."

"really jeongin."

"look, I'm being serious, I don't know." jeongin admits, "from what I'm hearing right now it all relies on what this boy is feeling. I'm sorry if you get heartbroken in the end but it seems as if he needs to get everything set straight. in all honesty, just be patient."

"but what if I can't be patient! what if I want him now!"

jeongin giggles, the silly desperate boy in front of his eyes made him let out a couple laughs. he felt somewhat bad, but he lets out the truth. "you're a weirdo, if you really are desperate and want him. then go get him."

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