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the small faint word escapes from seungmin's mouth, he whispers a small confused, "why?"

from the time they've spent together, lived together and had only known each other for a small portion of each other's lives. seungmin questioned, why him? the fact that hyunjin, a boy with many different perks and special traits could like boy like him. he didn't mind the fact, yet it was a simple question of 'why'.

"I had a feeling you'd ask that." hyunjin whispers back, he uses two fingers to play with a strand of seungmin's hair. "what is there not to like about you? your positive aura, how silly you are with your friends. how you respect me and just, in general you're a really good guy seungmin. I appreciate that a lot."

seungmin smiles from his words, "that's really sweet of you to say hyunjin..."

hyunjin chuckles, "thanks I guess. I bet this is really awkward."

the boy shifts within hyunjin's lap, unsure of what to say. his feelings were undecided. not knowing whether if he should reply positively or let down the boy with something he wouldn't want to hear. the two choices were scrambling within seungmin's mind, not knowing what to do.

"seungmin, I know it's sudden but it's alright to say that you don't like me." hyunjin admits for the boy to become less tense, "you're not obligated to have feelings towards me. it doesn't work that way."

"but hyunjin—"

"no." as hyunjin shushes him, "take some time to think and just push this aside. it's bad to put you on spot. as you said, you say the first thing that usually comes to mind. if you tell me something and it's just out of impulse. things won't end well for us. so please, don't feel the need to love me back."

seungmin looks up at the boy, "jinnie I—"

hyunjin kisses his forehead, making him cut off his sentence. "it's alright. I'll wait, so please. take your time and don't worry, I'll be okay. I promise."

hyunjin's feelings have been
exposed throughout the story.
for seungmin, maybe subtly
but he isn't 100% sure with his
feelings towards hyunjin. sure,
the kisses, the cuddling, them
in general seem good. but it would
be so ? sudden for seungmin to reply
back with a positive response. so (:
we shall wait !

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