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saturday afternoon, hyunjin is laying flat on his stomach chilling on his bed as seungmin is studying. days of living together, they've become more relaxed with each other and it's been great.

other than felix and jisung barging into their dorm twenty four-seven. literally, both of them had no lives. seungmin and hyunjin didn't even have anything interesting in their dorm, it was just felix and jisung hated staying with their roommates.

"I want to choke him with a toothbrush." jisung threats, "one day I will."

"you're just gonna give him practice for deep throating dick. not a good idea." felix states, jisung gasps. saying a small, 'you're right.'

seungmin rolls his eyes, he's finishing the last of his chemistry homework. once he's done, he sets it aside and calls for hyunjin. "hey, jinnie wanna go out for a bit? these two morons obviously don't know personal space."

hyunjin cracks a smile, "I'm down. I finished all my homework before the weekend. but did you finish yours? or else we're gonna come back early."

seungmin raises a brow, "what are you? my mom? but to answer your question I did. we can go get ice cream or—"

"did my ears deceive me or did I hear ice cream?" jisung questions with a formal tone. hyunjin groans. "what! I want ice cream. felix wants ice cream too, we both share a brain so we practically think for each other."

felix nods slowly, "we are one."

"if you want to get ice cream. go get your roommates." seungmin states clearly. "you haven't been talking to them for days now. remember the other night you crashed here?"

"I crashed here because changbin is a weirdo and likes to sleep with his shirt off! I am a child and can not be exposed to those things."

"says the one who was talking about deep throating a toothbrush." hyunjin shoots back, felix pouts from his response.

"I bet those two are fine. jisung why don't you go—"

"I'd rather eat shit." jisung boldly says.

seungmin crosses his arms, "will you?"

"...no.." jisung quietly responds. "I can't! I really can't he's so annoying and I hate him!"

"you say you 'hate me' but it's I love you in your language." hyunjin points out, "so I guess your love for him is strong!"

"t—that is false! stop making false accusations and implying they're true!" jisung scolds, "I—I would have said I'm going back to my room but we all know minho is there!"

"do you not use honorifics? you should be calling him hyung." seungmin questions.

"cause they're fucking." felix then covers his mouth, "I mean, enemies.."

"I wouldn't be surprised if you and minho were dating." hyunjin then chirps in, "from my personal experience, being friends with you means I have to pull you away from fighting the dude or doing something stupid."

"it's minho who's stupid..."

"you're a literal child jisung." hyunjin chuckles from his denial, "I don't really know what's going on between you two but obviously there is more than just 'hate'. anyways, seungmin lets go out. you two, go to a different dorm and bother somebody else."

felix shakes his head, "we'll come!"

"why?" seungmin then makes a weird face, "I mean there isn't a problem with it, just..why? also didn't I say for you to join you have to bring your roommate?"

"I'm your best friend and you're questioning why I want to go out with you! have you dumped me for hyunjin!" felix says, offended by the boy's words. he even ignores the last part which was seungmin's question.  "oh my god, I bet you have!"

"don't worry, then that means hyunjin has dumped me for seungmin." jisung points out, hyunjin shakes his head after hearing the statement.

"you two can tag along then, just don't bother us."

"what? you're living together, sucking each other's dicks and now you can't interact with anyone else. sheesh, gotcha man." jisung then puts his hands up, felix nods.

seungmin slaps his forehead, "god! I don't understand how we both have idiot best friends! stop talking about those things we're underage!"

"talking about sex isn't illegal, but we—"

"okay we get it now get ready we're going soon!" seungmin cuts off.

"yes mommy." jisung teases, felix goes over to jisung leaning into his ear whispering.

"I think you should call him—"

"no! don't even think about it lee!"

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