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as hyunjin crawls up in a ball and lays on his side in bed. he waits for seungmin to come back from felix's and his hangout, he was somewhat,


god, what if felix said something stupid. literally him and jisung were the same person, so it was possible felix did say something whack. waiting to hear that door handle twist, he hums to himself as he holds his legs in place by his hands.

"he'll hate me, he'll actually hate me. then I won't have a chance. it's endgame for seungjin, I would like to thank lee fucking felix for doing nothing. my doggie kkami for making my life amazing, mom and dad. sorry that I'm somewhat a disappointment but you got a hot son. and jisung, go suck minho's dick to cleanse your personality. amen."

as hyunjin closes his eyes slowly, he hears the door open. panicking, he rolls off the bed. once he sees seungmin in the corner of his eye. he screams out of impulse.

"fucking hell! I think my dick just screamed because of you!" felix says, clutching onto his shirt. "wee wee felix does not appreciate you mr. hyunjin."

"felix you're gross and why did you walk me back to my dorm?"

"I just wanted to make sure you got home safe!"

"you literally can just watch me from your door!"

"okay but I got to experience the mom life:" felix admits, "anyways, I need to get back to my husband. when I checked his ranking in fortnite, it seemed he was in the twenty-seventh place."

"probably better than me. but bye lix, hope your dick is alright." seungmin says, felix snorts as he walks away. the puppy boy's head then whips towards hyunjin, "well, hey?"

"h—hi." hyunjin chokes out, he clears his throat. "hey! hey, yeah. hey! haha!"

"okay..why are you on the floor?"

"I fell..." hyunjin mutters, slowly getting up. "you know, everyday you have to get a good fall in, right!" as he swings his arms around to stretch.

"whatever you say." seungmin then sets down his stuff and yawns. "so, how was your day?"

"fantabulous! obviously amazing, like wow. whew, god is blessing us every single day. am I right?"

"you're high, did jisung give you edibles? who are you?"

"me?! high! of course not!" as hyunjin denies, "I'm just high off the positivity in the atmosphere."

seungmin shakes his head, raising his eyebrows. "don't know what happened, but I think the fall impacted your head."

"I—" hyunjin tries to speak, "sorry..it's just I'm going through some things."

"oh." seungmin starts, "want to talk about it? it seems serious."

"I mean, in all honesty I'm quite a big baby when it comes to expressing my emotions. so, I might cry."

"well, how about this. just say something small and we'll start from there. how about that?"

hyunjin nods, sitting on his bed. he looks around, twiddling with his fingers. seungmin who sits on his bed, stares at the boy until he speaks. seconds pass and seungmin opens up. "if you don't want to, you don't have to say anything if you're uncomfortable."


"it's alright hyunjin take your time. I've had times to where—"

and he finally spits out his words, cutting off the boy's lecture and personal experience. "not to be like, nsfw or anything. but like, I'd hold your hand and give you the best hugs."

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