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"I told you no boyfriend or girlfriend until after college!" seungmin scolds to felix as the australian boy hides behind hyunjin.

"but he isn't my boyfriend!"

"during our lunch he was feeding you his food, you shared a drink and that's literally an indirect kiss!" seungmin grabs a pillow, trying to aim at felix he hits hyunjin instead which leads to him letting out a gasp. "s—sorry jinnie!"

"it's alright min." as hyunjin fixes his messed up hair, "but please calm down and let felix speak."

seungmin puffs up his cheeks and slowly sits on his bed. he crosses his legs into a criss-cross applesauce position and takes a deep breath to calm himself down.

"felix, what's your relationship with changbin and why haven't you been talking about it to me—or us!" seungmin finally spits out, felix crawls from behind hyunjin and reveals himself.

"I didn't think it was important. there's nothing going on except that he's my weirdo roommate. I don't hate him nor have a huge liking for him. it's just neutral."

"can I interrupt for a second?" hyunjin questions, seungmin nods. "are you sure it's just neutral?, well in changbin's position his feelings seem quite off."

"what are you talking about? changbin hyung thinks of me as his roommate." felix densely tells, "I think you guys are on crack."

"the boy calls you lix, worries about your health and sleeping habits. feeds you and even wipes the leftover food on your cheeks when you're stuffing your face. cause that's totally non lovey feelings." seungmin explains, but felix lets out a little 'hmm'

"I don't see it." felix admits, "guys! I'm not really looking for a relationship. so why are you coming at my throat!"

"we're not!" hyunjin defends, "just don't lead him on."

"I'm not even leading him on! I don't even like him!" felix shouts, "he's not my—!"

the door opens, "felix how was your date with your boyfriend yesterday. I heard you two also went with seungmin and hyunjin, so like—oh shit hello my fellow ga—guys!"

felix screeches, "jisung! run!"

seungmin dashes for the door and grabs jisung by his sweatshirt's hood, dragging him into the dorm. seungmin closes the door shut and locks it. "this is the only time I'm grateful for keeping the door unlocked!"

"we bouta die today. it's okay, that means I don't have to see minho later." as jisung lays flat on the floor, waiting for his punishment to come.

"I'm not gonna kill you!" seungmin then says, walking past the body on the floor. he goes over to felix, "so! tell me the truth!"

"he's not my boyfriend!"

jisung looks at the two, "he's soon to be."

"oh my god you told jisung but not me!" seungmin says offended, felix lets out a whine from jisung's impulsive statements.

"seungmin calm down, maybe felix wanted to tell you last cause you always save the best for last!" hyunjin says with an awkward smile, all he needed to do was calm down the heated boy some way.

seungmin takes a deep breath. jisung gets off the floor and wipes off the collected dust from his clothing. "alright! now felix just admit that changbin is your boyfriend and—"

"HE'S YOUR BOYFRIEND! I THOUGHT IT WAS SOON TO BE!" seungmin screams, jisung holds the boy back before he tries anything.

"umm hello! someone calm him down before he kills my other brain! I kinda need him to function!" jisung shouts as he grunts, holding back seungmin with as much force as possible.

felix's screams fill the room as he jumps onto the bed, he shouts at hyunjin saying 'do something, do something!' multiple times. finally jisung shouts, "hwang you better fucking try something or I'm gonna kick his nut sacks!"as panic rose within the room, hyunjin could only think of one thing.

at that moment, hyunjin cupped seungmin's cheeks to where he shut his mouth. tilting his head slightly, he pressed his lips against his roommate's.

any regrets? not really.

until he felt a leg hit his nut sacks.

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