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"not to be weird or anything but you look really nice in your school uniform.." hyunjin compliments to seungmin, the boy got up thirty minutes later after seungmin. so seungmin was already ready to walk out the door if he wanted to.

"thanks, but you should get ready I used the restroom already so it's all yours." seungmin tells, "I'll wait for you so we can go eat breakfast. we can meet up with jisung and felix if you'd like."

"are they on their way here? I'm fine with them
coming." hyunjin questions, hopping out of bed to retrieve his clothes.

seungmin checks the time on his phone and time he sent out his message to jisung. "well, I texted him about five minutes ago so he'll be here soon. he's complaining about his roommate again."
"not a surprise, but be out in ten minutes. don't miss me too much." hyunjin jokes, seungmin let's out a little snort.

"I'll try not to hwang."

a few minutes later, jisung arrives with his bag and messy uniform. his tie wasn't even on correctly and he still had bed head hair. "morning.." he grumpily greets, "where's hyunjin?"

"restroom." seungmin answers shortly, "what's up with you? your roommate again? or did you wake up on the wrong side of the bed?"

"of course it was! what else would it be?"

"don't call him an 'it', that's so mean!" seungmin scolds, jisung groans from his words. "what did he do, I bet it's nothing."

"it might be nothing to you, but it's a big thing to me!"

"okay what was it?" seungmin questions with sass, he then crosses his arms. raising a brow, he waits for his response yet instead he receives silence. "I bet it's nothing, you got nothing to say."

"n—no! it was something...." jisung admits, "b—but I don't think I'm comfortable telling you."

"oh.." seungmin's voice gets soft, "he didn't hurt you right? physically or emotionally?"

"oh no!" jisung clears up, he bites his bottom lip. "you know what, I'll stop being a scaredy squirrel and tell you. so..I kinda did or didn't cuddle with minho last night. kinda did or not did not like it..mostly did.."

seungmin's jaw drops, "wait, that's so cute oh my—"

"shh!! you can't say anything please!!" jisung begs, "it's so embarrassing! that's why my hair is so messy and I'm just a disaster today! once I woke up it was so warm and..oh my god he just looked so..ahh!!" jisung pulls on to his messy hair, "I'm gonna kill him!"

seungmin smiles, "well, well. and just the other day you wanted to choke him with a toothbrush. how sweet."

jisung shakes his head, "it isn't funny! I'm not good with my feelings and I really don't want to get hurt!"

seungmin nods, he puts a hand on jisung's shoulder. "look, just breathe and relax. I bet minho will forget all about this once the day ends. besides, he's a senior and you won't be seeing him around school. does that make you feel better?"

"I don't know..." jisung's head falls down, as seungmin is about to say some more. jisung's stomach growls, they both look at each other awkwardly. seconds later they burst into laughter.

"I definitely think some food will make me feel better. I'm starving.." jisung says with a smile, seungmin nods from his response.

"don't worry, we'll get some food." he then walks over to the bathroom door and pounds his fist against it. "hyunjin! hurry up! you don't need to do a, 'get ready with me!' you're already pretty enough!"

"hey! who said I'm doing a get ready with me! what if I'm taking a shit!" he jokes from the other side (or is he), seungmin gags.

"sick! did you turn on the blower at least?!"

all seungmin can hear is hyunjin's laughing, "I don't know mr. kim? can you hear it!"

jisung plugs his nose before any stench fills it, "I don't know if he's joking or not, but if we smell it then I'm dashing out of here faster than usain bolt."

seungmin grabs his bag, plugging his nose himself. "agreed."

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